use { rustbot_lib::{ RustbotContext, RustbotResult, config::BINARY_PROPERTIES, utils::{ BOT_VERSION, GIT_COMMIT_BRANCH, GIT_COMMIT_HASH, format_duration } }, std::{ env::var, fs::File, io::{ BufRead, BufReader }, path::Path, time::{ Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH } }, sysinfo::System, uptime_lib::get }; fn get_os_info() -> String { let path = Path::new("/etc/os-release"); let mut name = "BoringOS".to_string(); let mut version = "v0.0".to_string(); if let Ok(file) = File::open(path) { let reader = BufReader::new(file); let set_value = |s: String| s.split('=').nth(1).unwrap_or_default().trim_matches('"').to_string(); reader.lines().map_while(Result::ok).for_each(|line| match line { l if l.starts_with("NAME=") => name = set_value(l), l if l.starts_with("VERSION=") => version = set_value(l), l if l.starts_with("VERSION_ID=") => version = set_value(l), _ => {} }); } format!("{name} {version}") } fn fmt_mem(bytes: u64) -> String { let units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB"]; let mut bytes = bytes as f64; let mut unit = units[0]; for &u in &units { if bytes < 1024.0 { unit = u; break; } bytes /= 1024.0; } format!("{bytes:.2} {unit}") } /// Retrieve host and bot uptimes #[poise::command(slash_command)] pub async fn uptime(ctx: RustbotContext<'_>) -> RustbotResult<()> { let bot = ctx.http().get_current_user().await.unwrap(); let mut sys = System::new_all(); sys.refresh_all(); // Fetch system's uptime let sys_uptime = get().unwrap().as_secs(); // Fetch system's processor let cpu = sys.cpus(); // Fetch system memory usage let sram = fmt_mem(sys.used_memory()); let sram_total = fmt_mem(sys.total_memory()); // Fetch process memory usage let pram = match sys.process(sysinfo::get_current_pid().unwrap()) { Some(proc) => fmt_mem(proc.memory()), None => String::from("Unavailable") }; // Fetch process uptime let curr_pid = sysinfo::get_current_pid().unwrap(); let now = SystemTime::now(); let mut proc_uptime = 0; if let Some(process) = sys.process(curr_pid) { let time_started = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(process.start_time()); proc_uptime = now.duration_since(time_started).unwrap().as_secs(); } // Fetch the node hostname from envvar let node_hostname = if BINARY_PROPERTIES.env.contains("prod") { match var("DOCKER_HOSTNAME") { Ok(h) => h.to_string(), Err(_) => "DOCKER_HOSTNAME is empty!".to_string() } } else { let hostname = std::process::Command::new("hostname").output().unwrap().stdout; String::from_utf8(hostname).unwrap().trim().to_string() }; let stat_msg = [ format!("**{} v{}** `{GIT_COMMIT_HASH}:{GIT_COMMIT_BRANCH}`",, *BOT_VERSION), format!(">>> System: `{}`", format_duration(sys_uptime)), format!("Process: `{}`", format_duration(proc_uptime)), format!("Node: `{node_hostname}`"), format!("CPU: `{}`", cpu[0].brand()), format!("RAM: `{pram}` (`{sram}/{sram_total}`)"), format!("OS: `{}`", get_os_info()) ]; ctx.reply(stat_msg.join("\n")).await?; Ok(()) }