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2024-12-12 03:01:44 +11:00
use {
#[derive(poise::ChoiceParameter, Clone)]
enum ResponseMode {
#[name = "Chaotic & Unhinged"]
/// Ask the Magic 8-Ball a yes/no question and get an unpredictable answer
install_context = "Guild|User",
interaction_context = "Guild|BotDm|PrivateChannel",
rename = "8ball"
pub async fn eightball(
ctx: RustbotContext<'_>,
#[description = "Your yes/no question"] question: String,
#[description = "Response modes"] mode: Option<ResponseMode>
) -> RustbotResult<()> {
if question.to_ascii_lowercase().contains("niko, show list") {
show_list(ctx, mode.clone().unwrap_or(ResponseMode::Normal)).await?;
return Ok(())
let rand_resp = match mode {
Some(ResponseMode::Chicken) => get_random_chicken_response(),
Some(ResponseMode::Chaotic) => get_random_chaotic_response(),
_ => get_random_response()
ctx.reply(format!("> {question}\n{rand_resp}")).await?;
async fn show_list(
ctx: RustbotContext<'_>,
list_type: ResponseMode
) -> RustbotResult<()> {
if != UserId::new(BINARY_PROPERTIES.developers[0]) {
.reply("The list knows you're looking, but it's playing a game of hide and seek. For now, it wins.")
return Ok(());
let chunks: Vec<String> = match list_type {
ResponseMode::Normal => RESPONSES.chunks(10).map(|chunk| chunk.join("\n\n")).collect(),
ResponseMode::Chicken => CHICKEN_RESPONSES.chunks(10).map(|chunk| chunk.join("\n\n")).collect(),
ResponseMode::Chaotic => CHAOTIC_RESPONSES.chunks(10).map(|chunk| chunk.join("\n\n")).collect()
let pages: Vec<&str> = chunks.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
paginate(ctx, &pages).await?;
const RESPONSES: [&str; 45] = [
"Reply hazy. Look it up on Google.", // no
"Meh — Figure it out yourself.", // no
"I don't know, what do you think?", // no
"Yes.", // yes
"No.", // no
"It is decidedly so", // yes
"Signs point to... maybe... depends on... hold on, let me get my glasses, this is getting pretty tiny... depends on whether you'd be up to \
getting to know your Magic 8-Ball a little better.", // no
"Signs point to... ~~yes~~ no.", // no
"Why do you want to know the answer? It's obviously a yes.", // yes
"Outlook not so good.", // no
"Outlook hazy.", // no
"What are you, stupid?", // no
"How the hell do you not know that?", // no
"Really? Making a decision based on what the plastic 8-Ball says? Jesus...", // no
"Try asking later...", // no
"I don't know, whip out the ouija board and try again?", // no
"The answer is yes.", // yes
"Yes, actually no. Wait, nevermind.", // no
"Maybeee...", // yes
"Definitely!", // yes
"It is decidedly so.", // yes
"My reply is no.", // no
"My sources confirms that the answer is no.\nSource: :sparkles: *i made it up* :sparkles:", // no
"As I see it, yes.", // yes
"Don't count on it.", // no
"Whoa! Why do I have to answer this?", // no
"Highly unlikely.", // no
"Sure, but with extreme cautions.", // yes
"What kind of stupid question is that?? No! I'm not answering that!", // no
"Try asking this to a chicken. Probably knows it better than I do!", // no
"Not in a million years!", // no
"As a matter of fact, yes.", // yes
"It's a no, better go ask someone else.", // no
"In the end, it's not a bad choice.", // yes
"Nope, not today.", // no
"Cross your fingers, the answer is yes!", // yes
"Nope. *shakes head*", // no
"The fortune cookie said yes.", // yes
"Sorry, the fortune cookie over there said no.", // no
"Sorry, not happening.", // no
"I'll have to consult my sources... *flips coin*... no.", // no
"I'll have to consult the magic 8-ball... *shakes*... no.", // no
"I'm not sure to be honest, let's ask your friend. Oh wait...", // no
"This question flew over my head, I'll pass.", // no
"Oops, the Magic 8-Ball shattered itself when you asked that! I'll take that as a no." // no
const CHICKEN_RESPONSES: [&str; 54] = [
"Cluck cluck... Reply hazy, try pecking Google.", // no
"Meh... Figure it out yourself, or scratch around a bit.", // no
"I don't know... what do you think? *pecks at ground*", // no
"BAWK! YES!", // yes
"Cluck... no.", // no
"It is decidedly so! *flaps wings*", // yes
"Signs point to... maybe... hold on, let me fluff my feathers... depends on whether you'd get to know your Magic Chicken a bit better.", // no
"Signs point to... ~~yes~~ cluck no.", // no
"Why do you want to know? It's a big cluckin' yes!", // yes
"Outlook not so clucking good.", // no
"Outlook cluckin' hazy.", // no
"What are you, a lost chick? Cluck!", // no
"How the cluck do you not know that?", // no
"Really? Asking a chicken to decide your fate? *clucks judgmentally*", // no
"Peck back later, I'm nesting...", // no
"I don't know, try flapping your wings and ask again?", // no
"The answer is a big ol' yes! *flaps happily*", // yes
"Yes... wait, actually... no. Cluck, I'm confused.", // no
"Maaaaybe... *chicken waddle*?", // yes
"Definitely! *struts confidently*", // yes
"It is decidedly so. *struts with pride*", // yes
"My reply is a solid *cluck* no.", // no
"My sources confirm it's a cluckin' no.\nSource: 🐔 *I made it up* 🐔", // no
"As I see it, yes! *pecks approvingly*", // yes
"Don't count on it. *cluck cluck*", // no
"Whoa, why do I have to answer this? *fluffs feathers*", // no
"Highly unlikely. *chicken stare*", // no
"Sure, but with extreme cluckin' caution.", // yes
"What kind of stupid question is that?? No! *angry clucks*", // no
"Try asking this to a fellow chicken. They probably know better than I do!", // no
"Cluck yes! *does a happy chicken dance*", // yes
"No way, not even for a big bag of feed.", // no
"Yes! *lays egg of approval*", // yes
"It's a no, better go scratch somewhere else.", // no
"Cluck-tastic! That's a definite yes.", // yes
"Cluck yeah! *struts proudly*", // yes
"Nope, not today. *shakes head*", // no
"Feathers crossed, the answer is yes!", // yes
"Chicken says nope. *tilts head*", // no
"Absolutely! *clucks happily*", // yes
"Not a chance. *fluffs feathers*", // no
"Eggcellent choice! Yes!", // yes
"Not in a million clucks!", // no
"As a matter of cluck, yes! *clucks approvingly*", // yes
"It's a nopity nope, better go ask another chicken.", // no
"In the end, it's not a bad cluck", // yes
"Nope, not today. *clucks sadly*", // no
"Cross your feathers, the answer is yes!", // yes
"The fortune cookie said yes. *clucks in agreement*", // yes
"Sorry, the fortune cookie over there said no. *clucks in disagreement*", // no
"I'll have to consult my sources... *flips corn*... no.", // no
"I'll have to consult the magic 8-cluck... *shakes*... no.", // no
"I'm not sure to be honest, let's ask your chicken friend. Oh wait...", // no
"This question floated over my head, I'll pass. *clucks dismissively*" // no
const CHAOTIC_RESPONSES: [&str; 90] = [
"Oops! The Magic 8-Ball shattered upon hearing your question. Coincidence?", // no
"Reply hazy. Ask Googles evil twin, Froogle.", // no
"Meh — Consult the ancient texts of Netflix subtitles.", // no
"I don't know, but your cat probably does.", // no
"Yes, but only if you wear a clown wig.", // yes
"No. Unless the moon winks at you first.", // no
"It is decidedly a resounding honk-honk!", // yes
"Signs point to... maybe... or not... or wait... oh look, a squirrel!", // no
"Signs point to... ~~yes~~ pancakes. Definitely pancakes.", // no
"Why do you want to know? Its obviously a yes — trust the donut prophecy.", // yes
"Outlook not so good. Blame Mercury retrograde or your Wi-Fi.", // no
"Outlook hazy. Consult the nearest fortune-telling hamster.", // no
"What are you, a toaster in disguise?", // no
"How the heck do you not know this? Ask a sock puppet!", // no
"Really? Making life choices based on a magic ball? Bold move, friend.", // no
"Try asking later... when Im less busy binge-watching.", // no
"I don't know, summon a raven and whisper your question into the void.", // no
"The answer is yes, as foretold by the mystical spaghetti.", // yes
"Yes, actually no. Wait, yes? Lets go with potato.", // no
"Maybeee... if the stars align and your pizza has extra cheese.", // yes
"Definitely! Unless gravity stops working.", // yes
"It is decidedly so. So what? Buy a llama and see what happens.", // yes
"My reply is no, and also banana pudding.", // no
"My sources confirm that the answer is no.\nSource: A suspicious pigeon.", // no
"As I see it, yes. As the chicken sees it, no. Trust who you like.", // yes
"Don't count on it. Count on marshmallows instead.", // no
"Whoa! Why do I have to answer this? Ask a rubber duck.", // no
"Highly unlikely. Unless its Tuesday on Mars.", // no
"Sure, but with extreme caution and a tinfoil hat.", // yes
"What kind of silly question is that?? No! Also, heres a kazoo.", // no
"Try asking this to a chicken. Theyre the true oracles.", // no
"Not in a million years! Unless the earth is made of cheese.", // no
"As a matter of fact, yes. And its raining tacos.", // yes
"It's a no, but the raccoons might know better.", // no
"In the end, its not a bad choice. Or is it? Mwahaha.", // yes
"Nope, not today. Try tomorrow after coffee.", // no
"Cross your fingers! Or better yet, cross the streams.", // yes
"Nope. *shakes head like a very judgmental parrot*", // no
"The fortune cookie said yes, but it was written in crayon.", // yes
"Sorry, the fortune cookie over there said no. Blame it.", // no
"Sorry, not happening. But you get a virtual sticker for trying!", // no
"I'll have to consult my sources... *flips a pancake*... no.", // no
"I'll have to consult the magic 8-ball... *shakes it violently*... still no.", // no
"I'm not sure, but your imaginary friend says yes.", // yes
"This question flew over my head, so Ill just say 'llama'.", // no
"The answer is yes, but only if you do it while wearing socks on your hands.", // yes
"No, and I think you broke the space-time continuum by asking.", // no
"Why not? Whats the worst that could happen? Oh wait...", // no
"The stars say yes, but the planets are still debating.", // yes
"The universe just facepalmed at your question.", // no
"Ask again while juggling flaming pineapples for a clearer answer.", // no
"Nope, not unless you bribe me with tacos.", // no
"I consulted the oracle... shes out to lunch. Try later.", // no
"Yes, but only if you can lick your elbow right now.", // yes
"No, because I said so and Im very wise. Also, Im a plastic ball.", // no
"Yes. No. Wait, Ive lost track. Did you hear that noise?", // no
"Absolutely, as long as you bring me a rubber chicken as tribute.", // yes
"I asked a wizard, and they just laughed hysterically.", // no
"The spirits say no, but the ghosts are nodding yes.", // no
"Yes, if you believe in unicorns and the power of friendship.", // yes
"No, and also you might want to move. Somethings behind you.", // no
"Ask again, but this time with interpretive dance.", // no
"Definitely! Unless the moon turns into cheese. Then no.", // yes
"I see... wait, no, I dont see. My crystal ball is buffering.", // no
"Sure! But only after a karaoke duet with a raccoon.", // yes
"Yes, but only if you promise not to tell the ducks.", // yes
"No way, unless you can recite the alphabet backwards in one breath.", // no
"Ask the magic mushroom. Its way more in touch with reality than I am.", // no
"No, because gravity disagrees with your premise.", // no
"Yes, but first you must complete the sacred quest for nachos.", // yes
"The answer is hidden in the folds of your laundry. Go check.", // no
"I would answer, but Im legally obligated to stay mysterious.", // no
"Absolutely! If you can solve this riddle: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and... oh wait, wrong universe.", // yes
"The council of frogs says yes, but only if you croak like one.", // yes
"No, but only because the Magic 8-Ball union forbids it.", // no
"Yes, if the dog wags its tail twice before the clock strikes midnight.", // yes
"Try again after doing three cartwheels and making a wish.", // no
"The ducks in my dreams say no. Theyre rarely wrong.", // no
"Not today, Satan. Not today.", // no
"Yes, but only on Wednesdays during a full moon.", // yes
"No, because bananas dont grow in winter.", // no
"The answer is locked in a time capsule. Check back in 50 years.", // no
"I dont know, but it smells like trouble.", // no
"Why not? The penguins approve, and thats good enough for me.", // yes
"Sure, but only if you say 'bubblegum' ten times fast.", // yes
"No, unless you can outsmart a sentient toaster.", // no
"The answer is yes, but it comes with a plot twist.", // yes
"Flip a coin, spin three times, and consult your nearest cactus. Good luck!", // no
"Only on the condition that you buy me a donut.", // yes
"Yes, but proceed at your own risk. The llamas are watching." // yes
fn get_random_response() -> &'static str { RESPONSES[random::<usize>() % RESPONSES.len()] }
fn get_random_chicken_response() -> &'static str { CHICKEN_RESPONSES[random::<usize>() % CHICKEN_RESPONSES.len()] }
fn get_random_chaotic_response() -> &'static str { CHAOTIC_RESPONSES[random::<usize>() % CHAOTIC_RESPONSES.len()] }