mod commands; mod controllers; mod models; mod utils; use poise::serenity_prelude::{self as serenity}; use std::{ env::var, error }; use serenity::{ builder::{ CreateMessage, CreateEmbed, CreateEmbedAuthor }, Context, Ready, ClientBuilder, GatewayIntents }; type Error = Box; pub static EMBED_COLOR: i32 = 0x5a99c7; static BOT_READY_NOTIFY: u64 = 865673694184996888; async fn on_ready( ctx: &Context, ready: &Ready, framework: &poise::Framework<(), Error> ) -> Result<(), Error> { println!("Connected to API as {}",; let message = CreateMessage::new(); let ready_embed = CreateEmbed::new() .color(EMBED_COLOR) .thumbnail(ready.user.avatar_url().unwrap_or_default()) .author(CreateEmbedAuthor::new(format!("{} ({}) is ready!",, &**utils::BOT_VERSION)).clone()); serenity::ChannelId::new(BOT_READY_NOTIFY).send_message(&ctx.http, message.add_embed(ready_embed)).await?; let register_commands = var("REGISTER_CMDS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("true")).parse::().unwrap_or(true); if register_commands { let builder = poise::builtins::create_application_commands(&framework.options().commands); let commands = serenity::Command::set_global_commands(&ctx.http, builder).await; match commands { Ok(cmdmap) => for command in cmdmap.iter() { println!("Registered command globally: {}",; }, Err(why) => println!("Error registering commands: {:?}", why) } } Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let token = var("DISCORD_TOKEN").expect("Expected a \"DISCORD_TOKEN\" in the envvar but none was found"); let db = controllers::database::DatabaseController::new().await.expect("Failed to connect to database"); let framework = poise::Framework::builder() .options(poise::FrameworkOptions { commands: vec![ commands::ping::ping(), commands::uptime::uptime(), commands::status::status(), commands::gameserver::gameserver() ], pre_command: |ctx| Box::pin(async move { let get_guild_name = match ctx.guild() { Some(guild) =>, None => String::from("DM") }; println!("[{}] {} ran /{}", get_guild_name,, ctx.command().qualified_name) }), on_error: |error| Box::pin(async move { match error { poise::FrameworkError::Command { error, ctx, .. } => { println!("PoiseCommandError({}): {}", ctx.command().qualified_name, error); } other => println!("PoiseOtherError: {:?}", other) } }), initialize_owners: true, ..Default::default() }) .setup(|ctx, ready, framework| Box::pin(on_ready(ctx, ready, framework))) .build(); let mut client = ClientBuilder::new(token, GatewayIntents::GUILDS) .framework(framework) .await.expect("Error creating client"); { let mut data =; data.insert::(db); } if let Err(why) = client.start().await { println!("Client error: {:?}", why); } }