mirror of
synced 2024-11-17 16:30:58 -05:00
174 lines
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174 lines
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import Discord from 'discord.js';
import TClient from '../client.js';
import path from 'node:path';
import {readFileSync} from 'node:fs';
import canvas from 'canvas';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (interaction.guildId !== client.config.mainServer.id) return interaction.reply({content: 'This command doesn\'t work in this server.', ephemeral: true});
const allData = await client.userLevels._content.find({});
view: async()=>{
// fetch user or user interaction sender
const member = interaction.options.getMember('member') ?? interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember;
if (member.user.bot) return interaction.reply('Bots don\'t level up, try viewing the rank data from the users instead.');
// information about users progress on level roles
const userData = await client.userLevels._content.findById(member.user.id);
const pronounBool = (you: string, they: string) => { // takes 2 words and chooses which to use based on if user did this command on themself
if (interaction.user.id === member.user.id) return you || true;
else return they || false;
if (!userData) return interaction.reply(`${pronounBool('You', 'They')} currently don't have a level, send some messages to level up.`)
const index = allData.sort((a, b) => b.messages - a.messages).map(x => x._id).indexOf(member.id) + 1;
const memberDifference = userData.messages - client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level);
const levelDifference = client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level+1) - client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level);
interaction.reply({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor(member.displayColor).setTitle(`Level: **${userData.level}**\nRank: **${index ? '#' + index : 'last'}**\nProgress: **${memberDifference}/${levelDifference} (${(memberDifference/levelDifference*100).toFixed(2)}%)**\nTotal: **${userData.messages.toLocaleString('en-US')}**`).setThumbnail(member.avatarURL({extension:'png',size:1024}) || member.user.avatarURL({extension:'png',size:1024}) || member.user.defaultAvatarURL).setFooter({text: userData.notificationPing === true ? 'Ping notification enabled' : 'Ping notification disabled'})]})
leaderboard: ()=>{
const data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join('./src/database/dailyMsgs.json'), 'utf8')).map((x: Array<number>, i: number, a: any) => {
return x[1] - ((a[i - 1] || [])[1] || x[1])
// handle negative days
data.forEach((change: number, i: number) => {
if (change < 0) data[i] = data[i - 1] || data[i + 1] || 0;
const maxValue = Math.max(...data);
const maxValueArr = maxValue.toString().split('');
const first_graph_top = Math.ceil(maxValue * 10 ** (-maxValueArr.length + 1)) * 10 ** (maxValueArr.length - 1);
const second_graph_top = Math.ceil(maxValue * 10 ** (-maxValueArr.length + 2)) * 10 ** (maxValueArr.length - 2);
const textSize = 32;
const img = canvas.createCanvas(1200, 600);
const ctx = img.getContext('2d');
const graphOrigin = [25, 50];
const graphSize = [1020, 500];
const nodeWidth = graphSize[0] / (data.length - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = '#36393f'; //'#111111';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// grey horizontal lines
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
let interval_candidates = [];
for (let i = 4; i < 10; i++) {
const interval = first_graph_top / i;
if (Number.isInteger(interval)) {
let intervalString = interval.toString();
const reference_number = i * Math.max(intervalString.split('').filter(x => x === '0').length / intervalString.length, 0.3) * (['1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '8'].includes(intervalString[0]) ? 1.5 : 0.67)
interval_candidates.push([interval, i, reference_number]);
const chosen_interval = interval_candidates.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])[0];
let previousY: Array<number> = [];
ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; //'#555B63';
for (let i = 0; i <= chosen_interval[1]; i++) {
const y = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] - (i * (chosen_interval[0] / second_graph_top) * graphSize[1]);
if (y < graphOrigin[1]) continue;
const even = ((i + 1) % 2) === 0;
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#2c2f33'; //'#3E4245';
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0], y);
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0], y);
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; //'#555B63';
previousY = [y, i * chosen_interval[0]];
// 30d mark
ctx.setLineDash([8, 16]);
const lastMonthStart = graphOrigin[0] + (nodeWidth * (data.length - 30));
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1]);
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1]);
// draw points
ctx.strokeStyle = client.config.embedColor as string;
ctx.fillStyle = client.config.embedColor as string;
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
function getYCoordinate(value: number) {
return ((1 - (value / second_graph_top)) * graphSize[1]) + graphOrigin[1];
let lastCoords: Array<number> = [];
data.forEach((val: number, i: number) => {
if (lastCoords) ctx.moveTo(lastCoords[0], lastCoords[1]);
if (val < 0) val = 0;
const x = i * nodeWidth + graphOrigin[0];
const y = getYCoordinate(val);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
lastCoords = [x, y];
// ball
ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth * 1.2, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// draw text
ctx.font = '400 ' + textSize + 'px sans-serif';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// highest value
ctx.fillText(previousY[1].toLocaleString('en-US'), graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize, previousY[0] + (textSize / 3));
// lowest value
ctx.fillText('0 msgs', graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize / 3));
// 30d
ctx.fillText('30d ago', lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] - (textSize / 3));
// time ->
ctx.fillText('time ->', graphOrigin[0] + (textSize / 2), graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize));
interaction.reply({embeds: [
new client.embed().setTitle('Ranking leaderboard')
.setDescription(`Level System was created **${Math.floor((Date.now()-client.config.LRSstart)/1000/60/60/24)}** days ago. Since then, a total of **${allData.reduce((a, b)=>a+b.messages, 0).toLocaleString('en-US')}** messages have been sent in this server.`)
.addFields({name: 'Top users by messages sent:', value: allData.sort((a,b)=>b.messages - a.messages).slice(0,10).map((x,i)=>`${i+1}. <@${x._id}>: ${x.messages.toLocaleString('en-US')}`).join('\n')})
.setFooter({text: 'Graph updates daily.'})
], files: [new client.attachmentBuilder(img.toBuffer(),{name: 'dailymsgs.png'})]})
notification: async()=>{
const findUserInMongo = await client.userLevels._content.findById(interaction.user.id);
if (!findUserInMongo.notificationPing ?? findUserInMongo.notificationPing === false) {
await findUserInMongo.updateOne({_id: interaction.user.id, notificationPing: true})
interaction.reply({content: 'You will be pinged for level-up notification in the future.', ephemeral: true})
} else if (findUserInMongo.notificationPing === true) {
await findUserInMongo.updateOne({_id: interaction.user.id, notificationPing: false})
interaction.reply({content: 'You won\'t be pinged for level-up notification in the future.', ephemeral: true})
} as any)[interaction.options.getSubcommand()]();
data: new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Level system')
.setDescription('View your rank or someone else\'s rank')
.setDescription('Which member do you want to view?')))
.setDescription('View top 10 users on leaderboard'))
.setDescription('Allow the bot to ping you or not when you level up'))
} |