import Discord from 'discord.js'; import TClient from '../client.js'; import {Player,useTimeline,useQueue} from 'discord-player'; import {SpotifyExtractor} from '@discord-player/extractor'; export default { async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){ if (! && !client.config.whitelist.includes( return interaction.reply({content:'Music module is currently disabled.',ephemeral:true}); if (!client.isStaff(interaction.member) && !client.config.whitelist.includes( return interaction.reply('Music module is close to being completed, some parts may be incomplete or broken, so it has been restricted to staff for time-being.'); const player = Player.singleton(client); await player.extractors.register(SpotifyExtractor,{clientId: client.tokens.spotify.client, clientSecret: client.tokens.spotify.secret}); if (! return interaction.reply('Please join a voice channel first to use the command.'); player.nodes.create(interaction.guildId, { metadata: { channel:, client:, requestedBy: interaction.member }, selfDeaf: true, volume: 75, skipOnNoStream: true, leaveOnEnd: false, leaveOnEmpty: false, bufferingTimeout: 30000, connectionTimeout: 25000, strategy: 'FIFO' }); const queue = useQueue(interaction.guildId); ({ play: async()=>{ const url = interaction.options.getString('url'); if (!url.includes('')) return interaction.reply('Sorry, I can\'t play that. I can only accept Spotify links that contains ``'); // Yes, I made it clear that it's intended typo. if (!(await,{requestedBy:interaction.user})).hasTracks()) return interaction.reply(`No results found for \`${url}\`\nIt is either private, unavailable or you made a *tpyo* in your query.`), url); await interaction.reply(`Added the ${url.includes('playlist/') ? 'playlist' : url.includes('album/') ? 'album' : 'song'} to the queue.`); }, stop: async()=>{ player.destroy(); await interaction.reply('Player destroyed.') }, pause: ()=>{ queue.node.setPaused(!queue.node.isPaused()); if (queue.node.isPaused()) interaction.reply('Music has been paused.'); else interaction.reply('Music has been resumed.') }, now_playing: ()=>{ const {volume,timestamp,track} = useTimeline(interaction.guildId); if (!track) return interaction.reply('There\'s nothing playing, why are you checking?'); else { function convertNumberToText(input:number){ switch(input){ case 0: return 'Off'; case 1: return 'Track'; case 2: return 'Queue'; case 3: return 'Autoplay DJ'; } } interaction.reply({embeds:[ new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`${track.title} - ${}`).setThumbnail(track.thumbnail).addFields( {name: 'Timestamp', value: `**${timestamp.current.label}**/**${}**`, inline: true}, {name: 'Volume', value: `${volume}%`, inline: true}, {name: 'Loop mode', value: `${convertNumberToText(queue.repeatMode)}`, inline: true} ) ]}) } }, queue: async()=>interaction.reply({embeds:[new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Songs currently in the queue: ${queue.tracks.size}`).setDescription(queue.tracks.size > 0 ? `\`\`\`${>`${i.title} - ${}\`\`\``).join('```\n')}`.slice(0,1017) : '*No songs currently queued.*')]}), volume: ()=>{ const vol = interaction.options.getNumber('percentage'); queue.node.setVolume(vol); interaction.reply(`Successfully adjusted the player's volume to ${vol}%`) }, shuffle: ()=>{ queue.tracks.shuffle(); interaction.reply('Songs in the queue has been shuffled.') }, remove: ()=>{ queue.removeTrack(interaction.options.getNumber('id',true)); interaction.reply('Song has been removed from the queue.') }, skip: ()=>{ queue.node.skip(); interaction.reply('Skipped the current song, now playing the next one in queue.') }, loop: ()=>{ const loopMode = interaction.options.getNumber('mode',true); queue.setRepeatMode(loopMode); interaction.reply(`Loop mode is now ${loopMode === 0 ? 'disabled.' : loopMode === 1 ? 'set to loop current track.': loopMode === 2 ? 'looping through current queue.' : 'activating Autoplay DJ.'}`) } } as any)[interaction.options.getSubcommand()](); }, data: new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('music') .setDescription('Music module') .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('play') .setDescription('Play a Spotify song') .addStringOption(x=>x .setName('url') .setDescription('Spotify URL') .setRequired(true))) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('stop') .setDescription('Stop playing music and disconnect the bot from voice channel')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('skip') .setDescription('Skip the current song and play the next one')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('pause') .setDescription('Pause/unpause the music')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('now_playing') .setDescription('Check what song is currently playing')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('queue') .setDescription('View the list of songs currently in queue')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('volume') .setDescription('Adjust the player\'s volume') .addNumberOption(x=>x .setName('percentage') .setDescription('Adjust the volume level, ranges from 5 to 100, default is 75') .setMaxValue(100) .setMinValue(5) .setRequired(true))) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('shuffle') .setDescription('Shuffle the songs in a queue')) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('loop') .setDescription('Loop through queue or current track or enable Autoplay DJ') .addNumberOption(x=>x .setName('mode') .setDescription('Select the available modes to use') .addChoices( {name: 'Off', value: 0}, {name: 'Current track', value: 1}, {name: 'Queue', value: 2}, {name: 'Autoplay DJ (Play related songs based on queue)', value: 3} ) .setRequired(true))) .addSubcommand(x=>x .setName('remove') .setDescription('Remove a specific song from the queue') .addNumberOption(x=>x .setName('id') .setDescription('Song # in the queue to be removed') .setMinValue(0) .setMaxValue(9999) .setRequired(true))) }