import Discord,{EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js'; import { TClient } from 'src/client'; import MPDB from '../models/MPServer'; async function MPdata(client:TClient, interaction:Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction, embed: EmbedBuilder) { let FSserver; MPDB.sync(); const newServerId = interaction.guildId; const ServerURL = await MPDB.findOne({where: { serverId: newServerId }}); if (!ServerURL) return interaction.reply(`No gameserver found, please contact <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager}> to add it.`) const DBURL = ServerURL.ip const DBCode = ServerURL.code const verifyURL = DBURL.match(/http/) const completedURL = DBURL + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + DBCode if (!verifyURL) return interaction.reply(`Invalid gameserver IP, please contact <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager}> to update it.`) // Fetch dss try { FSserver = await client.axios.get(completedURL, {timeout: 2800}) // 2800 seems doable with database latency added to it. } catch(err) { // Blame Nawdic & RedRover92 embed.setTitle('Host is not responding.'); embed.setColor(client.config.embedColorRed); interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]}); console.log('dag mp fail to fetch, host is not responding.'); return; } return FSserver } export default { async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){ if (interaction.channelId == '468835769092669461' && !client.isStaff(interaction.member) && ['status', 'players'].includes(interaction.options.getSubcommand())) { interaction.reply(`Please use <#739084625862852715> for \`/mp status/players\` commands to prevent clutter in this channel.`).then((msg)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{interaction.deleteReply()}, 5000) }); return; } const Subb = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); switch (Subb){ case 'status': const embed0 = new client.embed(); const FSserver0 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed0); if ( > 1) { embed0.setTitle('Status/Details').setColor(client.config.embedColor).addFields( {name: 'Server name', value: `${FSserver0? == 0 ? '\u200b' : `\`${FSserver0?}\``}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Players', value: `${} out of ${}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Current map', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? '\u200b' :}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Version', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.version.length == 0 ? '\u200b' :}`, inline: true}, {name: 'In-game Time', value: `${('0' + Math.floor((}:${('0' + Math.floor((}`, inline: true} ) } interaction.reply({embeds: [embed0]}) break; case 'players': const embed1 = new client.embed(); const data = require('../database/MPPlayerData.json').slice(-60) // handle negative days data.forEach((change: number, i: number) => { if (change < 0) data[i] = data[i - 1] || data[i + 1] || 0; }); const first_graph_top = 16; const second_graph_top = 16; const textSize = 40; const canvas = require('canvas'); const img = canvas.createCanvas(1500, 750); const ctx = img.getContext('2d'); const graphOrigin = [15, 65]; const graphSize = [1300, 630]; const nodeWidth = graphSize[0] / (data.length - 1); ctx.fillStyle = '#36393f'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height); // grey horizontal lines ctx.lineWidth = 5; let interval_candidates = []; for (let i = 4; i < 10; i++) { const interval = first_graph_top / i; if (Number.isInteger(interval)) { let intervalString = interval.toString(); const reference_number = i * Math.max(intervalString.split('').filter(x => x === '0').length / intervalString.length, 0.3) * (['1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '8'].includes(intervalString[0]) ? 1.5 : 0.67) interval_candidates.push([interval, i, reference_number]); } } const chosen_interval = interval_candidates.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])[0]; const previousY: Array = []; ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; for (let i = 0; i <= chosen_interval[1]; i++) { const y = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] - (i * (chosen_interval[0] / second_graph_top) * graphSize[1]); if (y < graphOrigin[1]) continue; const even = ((i + 1) % 2) === 0; if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#2c2f33'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0], y); ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0], y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; previousY.push(y, i * chosen_interval[0]); } // 30m mark ctx.setLineDash([8, 16]); ctx.beginPath(); const lastMonthStart = graphOrigin[0] + (nodeWidth * (data.length - 60)); ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1]); ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1]); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.setLineDash([]); // draw points ctx.lineWidth = 5; function getYCoordinate(value: number) { return ((1 - (value / second_graph_top)) * graphSize[1]) + graphOrigin[1]; } function colorAtPlayercount(playercount: number) { if (playercount === first_graph_top) { return client.config.embedColorRed; } else if (playercount > 9) { return client.config.embedColorYellow; } else {return client.config.embedColorGreen;} } let lastCoords: Array = []; data.forEach((curPC: number /* current player count */, i: number) => { if (curPC < 0) curPC = 0; const x = i * nodeWidth + graphOrigin[0]; const y = getYCoordinate(curPC); const nexPC /* next player count */ = data[i + 1]; const prvPC /* previous player count */ = data[i - 1]; const curColor = colorAtPlayercount(curPC); // color now const prvColor = colorAtPlayercount(prvPC); // color at last point if (curColor !== prvColor && !isNaN(prvPC) && lastCoords.length > 0) { // gradient should be used when the color between now and last point is not the same // gradient from now to last point const grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(...lastCoords, x, y); grd.addColorStop(0, colorAtPlayercount(prvPC)); // prev color at the beginning grd.addColorStop(1, colorAtPlayercount(curPC)); // cur color at the end // special case: playercount rises or falls rapidly accross all colors (eg. straight from red to green) if (curColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow && prvColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow) { const yellowY = getYCoordinate(10); // y coordinate at which line should be yellow const stop = (yellowY - lastCoords[1]) / (y - lastCoords[1]); // between 0 and 1, where is yellowY between y and nextPointCoords[1] ? grd.addColorStop(stop, client.config.embedColorYellow); // add a yellow stop to the gradient } ctx.strokeStyle = grd; } else { ctx.strokeStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC); } ctx.beginPath(); if (lastCoords.length > 0) ctx.moveTo(...lastCoords); // if the line being drawn is horizontal, make it go until it has to go down if (y === lastCoords[1]) { let newX = x; for (let j = i + 1; j <= data.length; j++) { if (data[j] === curPC) newX += nodeWidth; else break; } ctx.lineTo(newX, y); } else { ctx.lineTo(x, y); } lastCoords = [x, y]; ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); if (curPC === prvPC && curPC === nexPC) { return; // no ball because no vertical difference to next or prev point } else { // ball ctx.fillStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth * 1.3, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } }); // draw text ctx.font = '400 ' + textSize + 'px sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; // highest value const maxx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2; const maxy = previousY[0] + (textSize / 3); ctx.fillText(previousY[1].toLocaleString('en-US'), maxx, maxy); // lowest value const lowx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2; const lowy = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize / 3); ctx.fillText('0 players', lowx, lowy); // 30m ctx.fillText('30 mins ago', lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] - (textSize / 2)); // time -> const tx = graphOrigin[0] + (textSize / 2); const ty = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize); ctx.fillText('time ->', tx, ty); const Image = new client.attachmentBuilder(img.toBuffer(),{name: 'FSStats.png'}) embed1.setImage('attachment://FSStats.png') const FSserver1 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed1) embed1.setTitle(FSserver1? == 0 ? 'Offline' : FSserver1? .setDescription(`${FSserver1?.data.slots.used}/${FSserver1?.data.slots.capacity}`) .setColor(FSserver1? == 0 ? client.config.embedColorRed : client.config.embedColor); FSserver1?.data.slots.players.filter(x=>x.isUsed).forEach(player=>{ embed1.addFields({name: `${} ${player.isAdmin ? '| admin' : ''}`, value: `Farming for ${(Math.floor(player.uptime/60))} hr, ${('0' + (player.uptime % 60)).slice(-2)} min`}) }) interaction.reply({embeds: [embed1], files: [Image]}) break; case 'info': const embed2 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor) const FSserver2 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed2) const DBURL = MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId: interaction.guildId}}) embed2.setDescription([ `**Server name**: \`Official Daggerwin Game Server\``, '**Password:** `mf4700`', '**Crossplay server**', `**Map:** ${ == 0 ? 'Null Island' :}`, `**Mods:** [Click here](${(await DBURL).ip}/mods.html) **|** [Direct Download](${(await DBURL).ip}/all_mods_download?onlyActive=true)`, '**Filters:** [Click here](' ].join('\n')); interaction.reply({embeds: [embed2]}) break; case 'series': const embed3 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('How to join the Daggerwin MP series') .setDescription([ 'To join the Daggerwin MP series, you first need to:', '**1:** Note that only PC players can join the MP series due to the mods that are used.', '**2:** Become a YouTube Member by pressing the `Join` button on [Daggerwin\'s YouTube page]( next to the `Subscribe` button.', '**3:** Link your YouTube account to your Discord account via Settings>Connections>Add connection. Be sure that you link the same YouTube account you used to become a channel member.', '**4:** If you don\'t receive the role within a day or so, please message an Admin and they will sort it out.', '**5:** Take a look in <#511657659364147200> to get information on how to join the server.' ].join('\n')); interaction.reply({embeds: [embed3]}) } }, data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('mp') .setDescription('Display MP status and other things') .addSubcommand((opt)=>opt .setName('status') .setDescription('Check server status and details')) .addSubcommand((opt)=>opt .setName('players') .setDescription('Check who\'s playing on the server')) .addSubcommand((opt)=>opt .setName('info') .setDescription('Provides you with server information such as filters and so on')) .addSubcommand((opt)=>opt .setName('series') .setDescription('Step-by-step on joining Daggerwin\'s MP series')) }