import TClient from './client'; import Discord from 'discord.js'; import { Database } from './database'; import { Punishment, punOpt } from './typings/interfaces'; export class bannedWords extends Database { client: TClient; constructor(client: TClient){ super('src/database/bannedWords.json', 'array'); this.client = client; } } export class bonkCount extends Database { client: TClient; constructor(client: TClient){ super('src/database/bonkCount.json', 'object') this.client = client } _incrementUser(userid: string){ const amount = this._content[userid]; if(amount) this._content[userid]++; else this._content[userid] = 1; return this; } getUser(userid: string){ return this._content[userid] || 0; } } export class userLevels extends Database { client: TClient; constructor(client: TClient){ super('src/database/userLevels.json', 'object'); this.client = client } incrementUser(userid: string){ const data = this._content[userid];// User's data. Integer for old format, object for new format. if (typeof data == 'number'){// If user's data is an integer, convert it into object for new format. this._content[userid] = {messages: data, level: 0}; } if (data) {// If user exists on file... this._content[userid].messages++;// Increment their message count if (data.messages >= this.algorithm(data.level+2)){// Quietly level up users who can surpass more than 2 levels at once, usually due to manually updating their message count while (data.messages > this.algorithm(data.level+1)){ this._content[userid].level++; console.log(`${userid} EXTENDED LEVELUP ${this._content[userid].level}`) } } else if (data.messages >= this.algorithm(data.level+1)){// If user's message count meets/exceeds message requirement for next level... this._content[userid].level++;// Level them up. (this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.mainServer.channels.botcommands) as Discord.TextChannel).send({content: `<@${userid}> has reached level **${data.level}**. GG!`, allowedMentions: {parse: ['users']}}) } } else {// If user doesn't exist on file, create an object for it. this._content[userid] = {messages: 1, level: 0}; } } algorithm(level: number){// Algorithm for determining levels. If adjusting, recommended to only change the integer at the end of equation. return level*level*15; } } export class punishments extends Database { client: TClient; constructor(client: TClient){ super('src/database/punishments.json', 'array'); this.client = client; } createId(){ return Math.max(>, 0)+1; } makeModlogEntry(data: Punishment) { const cancels = data.cancels ? this.client.punishments._content.find((x: Punishment) => === data.cancels) : null; const channelId = ['kick', 'ban'].includes(data.type) ? '1048341961901363352' : this.client.config.mainServer.channels.logs; // format data into embed const embed = new this.client.embed() .setTitle(`${this.client.formatPunishmentType(data, this.client, cancels)} | Case #${}`) .addFields( {name: '🔹 User', value: `<@${data.member}> \`${data.member}\``, inline: true}, {name: '🔹 Moderator', value: `<@${data.moderator}> \`${data.moderator}\``, inline: true}, {name: '\u200b', value: '\u200b', inline: true}, {name: '🔹 Reason', value: `\`${data.reason}\``, inline: true}) .setColor(this.client.config.embedColor) .setTimestamp(data.time) if (data.duration) { embed.addFields( {name: '🔹 Duration', value: this.client.formatTime(data.duration, 100), inline: true}, {name: '\u200b', value: '\u200b', inline: true} ) } if (data.cancels) embed.addFields({name: '🔹 Overwrites', value: `This case overwrites Case #${}\n\`${cancels.reason}\``}); // send embed in modlog channel (this.client.channels.cache.get(channelId) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [embed]}); }; getTense(type: string) { // Get past tense form of punishment type, grammar yes switch (type) { case 'ban': return 'banned'; case 'softban': return 'softbanned'; case 'kick': return 'kicked'; case 'mute': return 'muted'; case 'warn': return 'warned'; } } async addPunishment(type: string, options: punOpt, moderator: string, reason: string, User: Discord.User, GuildMember?: Discord.GuildMember) { const { time, interaction } = options; const ms = require('ms'); const now =; const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get( as Discord.Guild; const punData: Punishment = { type, id: this.createId(), member:, reason, moderator, time: now } const embed = new this.client.embed() .setColor(this.client.config.embedColor) .setTitle(`Case #${}: ${type[0].toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)}`) .setDescription(`${User.tag}\n<@${}>\n(\`${}\`)`) .addFields({name: 'Reason', value: reason}) let punResult: any; let timeInMillis: number; let DM: Discord.Message | undefined; if (type == "mute") { timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : 2419140000; // Timeouts have a limit of 4 weeks } else { timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : null; } // Add field for duration if time is specified if (time) embed.addFields({name: 'Duration', value: `${timeInMillis ? `for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, { longNames: true, commas: true })}` : "forever"}`}) if (GuildMember) { try { DM = await GuildMember.send(`You've been ${this.getTense(type)} ${['warn', 'mute'].includes(type) ? 'in' : 'from'} ${}${time ? (timeInMillis ? ` for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, { longNames: true, commas: true })}` : 'forever') : ''} for reason \`${reason}\` (Case #${})`); } catch (err: any) { embed.setFooter({text: 'Failed to DM member of punishment'}); } } if (['ban', 'softban'].includes(type)) { const banned = await guild.bans.fetch( => undefined); if (!banned) { punResult = await guild.bans.create(, {reason: `${reason} | Case #${}`}).catch((err: Error) => err.message); } else { punResult = 'User is already banned.'; } } else if (type == 'kick') { punResult = await GuildMember?.kick(`${reason} | Case #${}`).catch((err: Error) => err.message); } else if (type == 'mute') { punResult = await GuildMember?.timeout(timeInMillis, `${reason} | Case #${}`).catch((err: Error) => err.message); } if (type == 'softban' && typeof punResult != 'string') { // If type was softban and it was successful, continue with softban (unban) punResult = await guild.bans.remove(, `${reason} | Case #${}`).catch((err: Error) => err.message); } if (timeInMillis && ['mute', 'ban'].includes(type)) { // If type is mute or ban, specify duration and endTime punData.endTime = now + timeInMillis; punData.duration = timeInMillis; } if (typeof punResult == 'string') { // Punishment was unsuccessful if (DM) DM.delete(); if (interaction) { return interaction.editReply(punResult); } else { return punResult; } } else { // Punishment was successful this.makeModlogEntry(punData); this.client.punishments.addData(punData).forceSave(); if (interaction) { return interaction.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); } else { return punResult; } } } async removePunishment(caseId:number, moderator:any, reason:string):Promise{ const now = const punishment = this._content.find((x:Punishment)=> === caseId); const id = this.createId(); if (!punishment) return 'Punishment not found'; if (['ban','mute'].includes(punishment.type)) { const guild = this.client.guilds.cache.get( as Discord.Guild; let removePunishmentResult; if (punishment.type === 'ban'){ removePunishmentResult = await guild.members.unban(punishment.member, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${id}`).catch((err:TypeError)=>err.message); } else if (punishment.type === 'mute'){ const member = await guild.members.fetch(punishment.member).catch(err=>undefined); if (member){ removePunishmentResult = await member if (typeof removePunishmentResult !== 'string'){ member.timeout(null, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${id}`) removePunishmentResult.send(`You've been unmuted in ${}.`); removePunishmentResult = removePunishmentResult.user; } } else { // user probably left, quietly remove punishment const removePunishmentData = {type: `un${punishment.type}`, id, cancels:, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now}; this._content[this._content.findIndex((x:Punishment)=> ===].expired = true this.addData(removePunishmentData).forceSave(); } } if (typeof removePunishmentResult === 'string') return `Un${punishment.type} was unsuccessful: ${removePunishmentResult}`; else { const removePunishmentData = {type: `un${punishment.type}`, id, cancels:, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now}; this.makeModlogEntry(removePunishmentData); this._content[this._content.findIndex((x:Punishment)=> ===].expired = true; this.addData(removePunishmentData).forceSave(); return `Successfully ${punishment.type === 'ban' ? 'unbanned' : 'unmuted'} **${removePunishmentResult?.tag}** (${removePunishmentResult?.id}) for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\`` } } else { try { const removePunishmentData = {type: 'removeOtherPunishment', id, cancels:, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now}; this.makeModlogEntry(removePunishmentData); this._content[this._content.findIndex((x:Punishment)=> ===].expired = true; this.addData(removePunishmentData).forceSave(); return `Successfully removed Case #${} (type: ${punishment.type}, user: ${punishment.member}).`; } catch (error:any){ return `${punishment.type[0].toUpperCase() + punishment.type.slice(1)} removal was unsuccessful: ${error.message}`; } } } }