import Discord from 'discord.js'; import { TClient } from './client'; const client = new TClient; client.init(); import fs from 'node:fs'; import MPDB from './models/MPServer'; //import cron from 'node-cron'; //import {exec} from 'node:child_process'; import {Punishment, UserLevels, FSData, FSCareerSavegame} from './typings/interfaces'; client.on('ready', async()=>{ client.guilds.cache.forEach(async(e)=>{await e.members.fetch()}); setInterval(async()=>{ client.user.setPresence({activities: [{ name: 'your wisdom', type: 1, url: '' }], status: 'online'}); // Playing: 0, Streaming (Requires YT/Twitch URL to work): 1, Listening to: 2, Watching: 3, Competing in: 5 }, 60000); // ['929807948748832798', '468835415093411861', '1058183358267543552', '549114074273677314'] - 0=Dev Server, 1=Main Server, 2=Throne, 3=Toast's test server if (client.config.botSwitches.registerCommands){ ['929807948748832798', '468835415093411861', '1058183358267543552'].forEach((guildId)=>(client.guilds.cache.get(guildId) as Discord.Guild).commands.set(client.registry).catch((e:Error)=>{ console.log(`Couldn't register slash commands for ${guildId} because`, e.stack); (client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`Cannot register slash commands for **${client.guilds.cache.get(guildId).name}** (\`${guildId}\`):\n\`\`\`${e.message}\`\`\``) })); }; setInterval(()=>{ const guild = client.guilds.cache.get( as Discord.Guild; guild.invites.fetch().then((invs)=>{ invs.forEach(async(inv)=>{ client.invites.set(inv.code, {uses: inv.uses, creator: inv.inviterId}) }) }) }, 500000); console.log(`${client.user.tag} has logged into Discord API and now ready for operation`); //console.log('Total cron tasks: ' + cron.getTasks().size); console.log(client.config.botSwitches); (client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.bot_status) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`${client.user.username} is active\n\`\`\`json\n${Object.entries(client.config.botSwitches).map((hi)=>`${hi[0]}: ${hi[1]}`).join('\n')}\`\`\``); // Event handler fs.readdirSync('src/events').forEach((file)=>{ const eventFile = require(`./events/${file}`); client.on(file.replace('.ts', ''), async(...args)=>,...args)); }); }) // Handle errors function DZ(error:Error){// Yes, I may have shiternet but I don't need to wake up to like a hundred messages or so. if (['getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND'].includes(error.message)) return; console.log(error); (client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]}) } process.on('unhandledRejection', async(error: Error)=>{ DZ(error) }); process.on('uncaughtException', async(error: Error)=>{ DZ(error) }); process.on('error', async(error: Error)=>{ DZ(error) }); // Daggerwin MP loop setInterval(async()=>{ if (!client.config.botSwitches.mpstats) return; const msg = await (client.channels.resolve('543494084363288637') as Discord.TextChannel).messages.fetch('1023699243183112192') const embed = new client.embed(); let Players = []; let error; // Connect to DB to retrieve the Gameserver info to fetch data. MPDB.sync(); const ServerURL = MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId:}}) const DBURL = (await ServerURL).ip const DBCode = (await ServerURL).code const verifyURL = DBURL.match(/http/); const completedURL_DSS = DBURL + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + DBCode const completedURL_CSG = DBURL + '/feed/dedicated-server-savegame.html?code=' + DBCode + '&file=careerSavegame' const FSdss = { data: {} as FSData, fetchResult: '' as string }; const FScsg = { data: {} as FSCareerSavegame, fetchResult: '' as string }; if (!verifyURL) return msg.edit({content: 'Invalid gameserver IP, please update!', embeds: null}) async function serverData(client:TClient, URL: string){ return await client.axios.get(URL, {timeout: 4000, maxContentLength: Infinity, headers: {'User-Agent': `Daggerbot/axios ${client.axios.VERSION}`}}).catch((error:Error)=>error.message) } await Promise.all([serverData(client, completedURL_DSS), serverData(client, completedURL_CSG)]).then(function(results){ if (typeof results[0] == 'string'){ FSdss.fetchResult = `dag mp dss fail, ${results[0]}`; } else if (results[0].status != 200){ FSdss.fetchResult = `dag mp dss fail with ${results[0].status + ' ' + results[0].statusText}`; } else { = results[0].data as FSData } if (typeof results[1] == 'string'){ FScsg.fetchResult = `dag mp csg fail, ${results[1]}`; } else if (results[1].status != 200){ if (results[1].status == 204){embed.setImage('')} FScsg.fetchResult = `dag mp csg fail with ${results[1].status + ' ' + results[1].statusText}`; } else { = client.xjs.xml2js(results[1].data,{compact:true,spaces:2}).careerSavegame as FSCareerSavegame; } }).catch((error)=>console.log(error)) if (FSdss.fetchResult.length != 0){ error = true; console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]`, FSdss.fetchResult); } if (FScsg.fetchResult.length != 0){ error = true; console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]`, FScsg.fetchResult); } if (error) { // Blame RedRover and Nawdic embed.setTitle('Host is not responding').setColor(client.config.embedColorRed); msg.edit({content: null, embeds: [embed]}) return; } const DB = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/database/MPPlayerData.json', {encoding: 'utf8'})); DB.push( fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/database/MPPlayerData.json', JSON.stringify(DB)) // Number format function function formatNumber(number: any, digits: any, icon: any){ var n = Number(number) return n.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: digits})+icon } if ( == 0){ embed.setTitle('The server seems to be offline.').setColor(client.config.embedColorRed); msg.edit({content: 'This embed will resume when server is back online.', embeds: [embed]}) } else { const embed1 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('Server details').addFields( {name: 'Current Map', value: `${ == 0 ? '\u200b' :}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Version', value: `${ == 0 ? '\u200b' :}`, inline: true}, {name: 'In-game Time', value: `${('0' + Math.floor((}:${('0' + Math.floor((}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Slot Usage', value: `${Number('en-US')}`, inline: true}, {name: 'Timescale', value: `${formatNumber(Number(, 0, 'x')}`, inline: true} );>x.isUsed !== false).forEach(player=>{ Players.push(`**${} ${player.isAdmin ? '| admin' : ''}**\nFarming for ${(Math.floor(player.uptime/60))} hr & ${('0' + (player.uptime % 60)).slice(-2)} min`) }) embed.setDescription(`${ == 0 ? '*No players online*' : Players.join('\n\n')}`).setTitle( embed.setAuthor({name: `${}/${}`}); msg.edit({content: 'This embed updates every minute.', embeds: [embed1, embed]}) } }, 60000) // YouTube Upload notification setInterval(async()=>{ client.YTLoop('UCQ8k8yTDLITldfWYKDs3xFg', 'Daggerwin', '528967918772551702'); // 528967918772551702 = #videos-and-streams client.YTLoop('UCguI73--UraJpso4NizXNzA', 'Machinery Restorer', '767444045520961567') // 767444045520961567 = #machinery-restorer }, 300000) // Event loop for punishments and daily msgs setInterval(async()=>{ const now =; const lrsStart = client.config.LRSstart; client.punishments._content.filter((x:Punishment)=>x.endTime<= now && !x.expired).forEach(async (punishment:Punishment)=>{ console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]` + `${punishment.member}\'s ${punishment.type} should expire now`); const unpunishResult = await client.punishments.removePunishment(,, 'Time\'s up!'); console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]` + unpunishResult); }); const formattedDate = Math.floor((now - lrsStart)/1000/60/60/24); const dailyMsgs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/database/dailyMsgs.json', {encoding: 'utf8'})) if (!dailyMsgs.some((x:Array)=>x[0] === formattedDate)){ let total = Object.values(client.userLevels._content).reduce((a,b)=>a + b.messages, 0); // sum of all users const yesterday = dailyMsgs.find((x:Array)=>x[0] === formattedDate - 1); if (total < yesterday){ // messages went down. total = yesterday } dailyMsgs.push([formattedDate, total]); fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/database/dailyMsgs.json', JSON.stringify(dailyMsgs)) console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]`, `Pushed [${formattedDate}, ${total}] to dailyMsgs`); client.guilds.cache.get(>(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.logs) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`:pencil: Pushed \`[${formattedDate}, ${total}]\` to == 'rank').id}>`)) } }, 5000) // Check Windows Updates at 6PM Sydney Time every Tuesday and Thursday // 0 18 * * 2,4 /* cron.schedule('* * * * *', async function(){ const x = await (client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.thismeanswar) as Discord.TextChannel).send('Checking Windows Updates...') exec('D:/Bots-Housing/wu.ps1', {'shell':'powershell.exe'}, (err:Error, stdout)=>{ if (err){ x.edit('Powershell script caught an error, see console.'); console.log(err.stack) } else if (stdout.includes('You\'re up to date')){ x.edit('The system is up to date.') } else if (stdout.includes('Updates available')){ x.edit(`\`\`\`${stdout}\`\`\``) } }); })*/