interface createTableOpt { columnAlign: any, columnSeparator: any, columnEmptyChar: any } interface formatTimeOpt { longNames: boolean, commas: boolean } interface Punishment { id: number; type: string; member: string; moderator: string; expired?: boolean; time?: number; reason: string; endTime?: number; cancels?: number; duration?: number; } interface CommandInfoOpt { insertNewline: boolean, parts: string[], //idfk titles: string[] } import Discord, { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from 'discord.js'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import { Database } from './database'; import timeNames from './timeNames'; export class TClient extends Client { invites: any; commands: any; config: any; tokens: any; categoryNames: any; commandPages: any; helpDefaultOptions: any; YTCache: any; embed: any; collection: any; messageCollector: any; attachmentBuilder: any; moment: any; xjs: any; axios: any; memberCount_LastGuildFetchTimestamp: any; userLevels: Database; punishments: Database; bonkCount: Database; bannedWords: Database; repeatedMessages: any; setMaxListeners: any; constructor(){ super({ intents: [ GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers, GatewayIntentBits.GuildBans, GatewayIntentBits.GuildInvites, GatewayIntentBits.GuildPresences, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessageReactions, GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent ], partials: [ Partials.Channel, Partials.Reaction, Partials.Message ], allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false, parse: ['roles', 'users'] } }) this.invites = new Map(); this.commands = new Discord.Collection(); this.config = require('./config.json'); this.tokens = require('./tokens.json'); this.categoryNames; this.commandPages = []; this.helpDefaultOptions = { parts: ['name', 'usage', 'shortDescription', 'alias'], titles: ['alias'] } this.YTCache = { 'UCQ8k8yTDLITldfWYKDs3xFg': undefined, // Daggerwin 'UCguI73--UraJpso4NizXNzA': undefined // Machinery Restorer } this.embed = Discord.EmbedBuilder; this.collection = Discord.Collection; this.messageCollector = Discord.MessageCollector; this.attachmentBuilder = Discord.AttachmentBuilder; this.moment = import('moment'); this.xjs = import('xml-js'); this.axios = import('axios'); this.memberCount_LastGuildFetchTimestamp = 0; this.userLevels = new Database('./database/userLevels.json', 'object'); this.bonkCount = new Database('./database/bonkCount.json', 'object'); this.punishments = new Database('./database/punishments.json', 'array'); this.bannedWords = new Database('./database/bannedWords.json', 'array'); this.repeatedMessages = {}; this.setMaxListeners(80) } async init(){ this.login(this.tokens.token_toast); this.punishments.initLoad(); this.bannedWords.initLoad(); this.bonkCount.initLoad(); this.userLevels.initLoad().intervalSave(15000).disableSaveNotifs(); } commandInfo(client: TClient, command: any, options?: CommandInfoOpt){ let text = ':small_orange_diamond: '; if (!options.titles) options.titles = []; function e(){ text += '\n'; if (options.insertNewline){ text += '\n'; } return; } if ('name') &&{ if (options.titles.includes('name') && options.titles.includes('usage')){ text += 'Name & Usage: '; } else if (options.titles.includes('name')){ text += 'Name: '; } text += '`' + client.config.prefix +; if ('usage') && command.usage){ text += ' ' +>x.startsWith('?') ? '?['+x.slice(1)+']' : '['+x+']').join(' '); } text += '`'; e(); } else if ('usage') && command.usage){ if (options.titles.includes('usage')) text += 'Usage: '; text += '`'>x.startsWith('?') ? '?['+x+']' : '['+x+']').join(' ') + '`'; e(); } if ('description') && command.description){ if (options.titles.includes('description')) text += 'Description: '; text += command.description; e(); } if ('shortDescription')){ if (command.shortDescription){ if (options.titles.includes('shortDescription')) text += 'Shorter description: '; text += command.shortDescription; e(); } else if (!options.titles.includes('shortDescription') && command.description){ text += command.description; e(); } } if ('alias') && command.alias){ if (options.titles.includes('alias')) text += 'Aliases: '; text +=>'`'+x+'`').join(', '); e(); } if ('category') && command.category){ if (options.titles.includes('category')) text += 'Category: '; text += command.category; e(); } if ('autores') && command.autores){ if (options.titles.includes('autores')) text += 'AutoResponse:tm: Requirements: '; text += '`['+command.autores.join('] [')+']`'; e(); } e(); return text; } formatPunishmentType(punishment: Punishment, client: TClient, cancels: Punishment){ if (punishment.type == 'removeOtherPunishment'){ cancels ||= this.punishments._content.find((x: Punishment)=> === punishment.cancels) return cancels.type[0].toUpperCase()+cancels.type.slice(1)+' Removed'; } else return punishment.type[0].toUpperCase()+punishment.type.slice(1); } formatTime(integer: number, accuracy = 1, options?: formatTimeOpt){ let achievedAccuracy = 0; let text = ''; const { longNames, commas } = options for (const timeName of timeNames){ if (achievedAccuracy < accuracy){ const fullTimelengths = Math.floor(integer/timeName.length); if (fullTimelengths == 0) continue; achievedAccuracy++; text += fullTimelengths + (longNames ? (' ' === 1 ? '' : 's')) :, === 'month' ? 2 : 1)) + (commas ? ', ' : ' '); integer -= fullTimelengths*timeName.length; } else { break; } } if (text.length == 0) text = integer + (options?.longNames ? ' milliseconds' : 'ms') + (options?.commas ? ', ' : ''); if (options?.commas){ text = text.slice(0, -2); if (options?.longNames){ text = text.split(''); text[text.lastIndexOf(',')] = ' and'; text = text.join(''); } } return text.trim(); } isStaff(guildMember: Discord.GuildMember){ return string)=>this.config.mainServer.roles[x]).some((x: string)=>guildMember.roles.cache.has(x)) } alignText(text: string, length: number, alignment: string, emptyChar = ' '){ if (alignment == 'right'){ text = emptyChar.repeat(length - text.length)+text; } else if (alignment == 'middle'){ const emptyCharsPerSide = (length - text.length)/2; text = emptyChar.repeat(Math.floor(emptyCharsPerSide))+text+emptyChar.repeat(Math.floor(emptyCharsPerSide)); } else { text = text + emptyChar.repeat(length - text.length); } return text; } createTable(columnTitles = [], rowsData = [], options: createTableOpt, client: TClient){ const rows: any = []; let { columnAlign = [], columnSeparator = [], columnEmptyChar = [] } = options; if (columnSeparator.length < 1) columnSeparator.push('|'); columnSeparator = string)=>`${x}`); // col widths const columnWidths = any, i)=>Math.max(title.length, any)=>x[i].length))); // first row rows.push(, i)=>{ let text = client.alignText(title, columnWidths[i], columnAlign[i], columnEmptyChar[i]); if (columnSeparator[i]){ text += ' '.repeat(columnSeparator[i].length); } return text; }).join('')) // big line rows.push('━'.repeat(rows[0].length)); //data // remove unicode any)=>{ return string)=>{ return element.split('').map((char: string)=>{ if (char.charCodeAt(0)>128) return '□'; }).join('') }) }) rows.push( any)=> string, i: number)=>{ return client.alignText(element, columnWidths[i], columnEmptyChar[i])+(i === columnTitles.length - 1 ? '' : columnSeparator[i]); }).join('') ).join('\n')) return rows.join('\n'); } makeModlogEntry(data: Punishment, client: TClient){ const cancels = data.cancels ? client.punishments._content.find((x: Punishment)=> === data.cancels) : null; // turn data into embed const embed = new this.embed().setColor(this.config.embedColor).setTimestamp(data.time) .setTitle(`${this.formatPunishmentType(data, client, cancels)} | Case #${}`).addFields( {name: '🔹 User', value: `<@${data.member}> \`${data.member}\``, inline: true}, {name: '🔹 Moderator', value: `<@${data.moderator}> \`${data.moderator}\``, inline: true}, {name: '\u200b', value: `\u200b`, inline: true}, {name: '🔹 Reason', value: `\`${data.reason || 'Unspecified'}\``, inline: true}, ) if (data.duration) { embed.addFields( {name: '🔹 Duration', value: client.formatTime(data.duration, 100), inline: true}, {name: '\u200b', value: '\u200b', inline: true} ) } if (data.cancels) embed.addFields({name: '🔹 Overwrites', value: `This case overwrites Case #${} \`${cancels.reason}\``}) // send embed to log channel (client.channels.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.channels.logs) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [embed]}) } async punish(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: string, type: string){ let member: any; if (message.guildId !== return'This command doesn\'t work in this server'); if (!message.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod)) return message.reply(`You need the <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod}> role to use this command.`) if (type == 'ban' && args[1]){ member = message.mentions.users?.first() || (await client.users.fetch(args[1]).catch(()=>undefined)); } else if (args[1]){ member = message.mentions.members?.first() || (await message.guild.members.fetch(args[1]).catch(()=>undefined)); } let memberAsked = false; if (!member){ memberAsked = true; await`Which member would you like to ${type}?\nSend another message with a mention or a user ID. (30s)`).then(async (x:any)=>{ const filter = m=> ==; member = await{filter, time: 30000, errors: ['time'], max: 1}).then(async (z:any)=>{ if (z.first().content.startsWith(client.config.prefix)) return 'timedout'; if (type == 'ban'){ return z.first().mentions.users?.first() || (await client.users.fetch(z.first().content).catch(()=>undefined)); } else { return z.first().mentions.members?.first() || (await message.guild.members.fetch(z.first().content).catch(()=>undefined)) } }).catch(async()=>{'Command cancelled after 30 seconds of inactivity.'); return 'timedout'; }); }) } if (member === 'timedout') return; else if (!member) return'You failed to mention a member.'); let time; let reason; let col1; // idfk if this should be included here but just wanted to get rid of red underline. let result: any; if (args[2] && !memberAsked){ // if the first character of args 2 is a number, args 2 is the time. otherwise its the reason. time = (args[2][0].match(/[0-9]/) && !['softban', 'kick', 'warn'].includes(type)) ? args[2] : undefined; // if time is in args 2, reason starts at args 3. if no time was provided, reason starts at args 2 reason = args.slice(time ? 3 : 2).join(' '); // "Property 'join' does not exist on type 'string'." :linus: x99 } else { if (!['softban', 'kick', 'warn'].includes(type)){ await`How long do you want to ${type} this user for?\nSend another message with a time name, or 'forever' to ${type} this user forever. (30s)`); const filter = m=> ===; col1 = await{filter, time: 30000, errors: ['time'], max: 1}).then(collected=>{ if (collected.first()?.content.startsWith(client.config.prefix)) return 'timedout'; return collected.first()?.content.toLowerCase() === 'forever' ? 'inf' : collected.first()?.content; }).catch(()=>{'Command cancelled after 30 seconds of inactivity.'); return 'timedout'; }); if (time === 'timedout') return; } await`Send another message with a reason for this ${type}.\nSend another message with "-" to leave the reason unspecified. (30s)`); const filter = m=> ===; reason = await{filter, time: 30000, errors: ['time'], max: 1}).then(collected=>{ if (collected.first()?.content.startsWith(client.config)) return 0; return collected.first()?.content == '-' ? undefined : collected.first()?.content; }).catch(()=>{'Command cancelled after 30 seconds of inactivity.'); return 0; }) if (reason === 0) return; } const punishmentResult = await client.punishments.addPunishment(type, member, {time, reason},, message); (typeof result == 'string' ? message.reply(punishmentResult) : message.reply({embeds: [punishmentResult]})) }; async unPunish(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: string){ if (message.guildId !== return'This command doesn\'t work in this server'); if (!message.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod)) return message.reply(`You need the <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod}> role to use this command.`) let punishment; if (args[1]) punishment = client.punishments._content.find((x:any)=> == args[1]) if (!punishment){ await`Which punishment would you like to remove?\nSend another message with a Case # (30s)`).then(async (x:any)=>{ const filter = m=> ===; punishment = await{filter, time: 30000, errors: ['time'], max: 1}).then(async (z:any)=>{ return client.punishments._content.find((x:any)=> == z.first()?.content); }).catch(async()=>{'Command cancelled after 30 seconds of inactivity.'); return 'timedout'; }); }) } if (punishment === 'timedout') return; else if (!punishment) return'You failed to mention a Case #'); //if (punishment.type !== 'warn' && message.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.trialmoderator)) return'Trial moderators can only remove warnings.'); let reason; if (args[2]){ reason = args.slice(2).join(' '); // "Property 'join' does not exist on type 'string'." :linus: x50 }else{ await`Send another message with a reason for this ${punishment.type} removal. (30s)\n*Send \`-\` to leave the reason unspecified.*`); const filter = m=> ===; reason = await{filter, time: 30000, errors: ['time'], max: 1}).then(collected=>collected.first()?.content === '-' ? undefined : collected.first()?.content).catch(()=>0); if (reason === 0) return'Invalid reason.'); } const unpunishResult = await client.punishments.removePunishment(,, reason);; } async YTLoop(YTChannelID: string, YTChannelName: string, DCChannelID: string){ const Data = this.xjs.xml2js((await this.axios.get(`${YTChannelID}`, {timeout: 5000})), {compact: true, spaces: 2}).catch(()=>{return null}); if (!Data) return; if (this.YTCache[YTChannelID] == undefined){ this.YTCache[YTChannelID] = Data.feed.entry[0]['yt:videoId']._text; return; } if (Data.feed.entry[1]['yt:videoId']._text == this.YTCache[YTChannelID]){ this.YTCache[YTChannelID] = Data.feed.entry[0]['yt:videoId']._text (this.channels.resolve(DCChannelID) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`**${YTChannelName}** just uploaded a video!\n${Data.feed.entry[0].link._attributes.href}`) } } }