import Discord, { ChannelType } from 'discord.js'; import { TClient } from '../client'; export default { name: 'messageCreate', execute: async(client:TClient, message:Discord.Message)=>{ if ( return; if ( === ChannelType.DM) return; const msgarr = message.content.toLowerCase().split(' '); let automodded: boolean; function onTimeout(){ delete client.repeatedMessages[] } const Whitelist = [ // Arrary of channel ids for automod to be disabled in ] if (client.bannedWords._content.some((x)=>msgarr.includes(x)) && !message.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod) && message.guildId == && !Whitelist.includes(message.channelId) && client.config.botSwitches.automod){ automodded = true; message.delete().catch((err)=>{ console.log('bannedWords automod; msg got possibly deleted by another bot.') })'That word is banned here.').then((x)=>setTimeout(()=>x.delete(), 5000)); if (client.repeatedMessages[]){ // add this message to the list client.repeatedMessages[].set(message.createdTimestamp, {cont: 0, ch: message.channelId}); // reset timeout clearTimeout(client.repeatedMessages[].to); client.repeatedMessages[].to = setTimeout(onTimeout, 30000); // this is the time in which 4 messages have to be sent, in milliseconds (ms) const threshold = 30000; // message mustve been sent after (now - threshold), so purge those that were sent earlier client.repeatedMessages[] = client.repeatedMessages[].filter((x, i)=>i >= - threshold) // a spammed message is one that has been sent atleast 4 times in the last threshold milliseconds const spammedMessage = client.repeatedMessages[]?.find((x)=>{ return client.repeatedMessages[].size >= 4; }); // if a spammed message exists; if (spammedMessage){ // mute const muteResult = await client.punishments.addPunishment('mute', message.member, {reason: 'Automod; banned words', time: '30m'},; // and clear their list of long messages delete client.repeatedMessages[]; } } else { client.repeatedMessages[] = new client.collection(); client.repeatedMessages[].set(message.createdTimestamp, {cont: 0, ch: message.channelId}); // autodelete after 30 secs client.repeatedMessages[].to = setTimeout(onTimeout, 30000); } } if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes('') && !message.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.dcmod)) { automodded = true; message.delete().catch((err)=>{ console.log('advertisement automod; msg got possibly deleted by another bot.') }) } if (message.guildId == && !automodded){ client.userLevels.incrementUser(; // Ranking incrementation } // Mop gifs from banned channels without Monster having to mop them. const bannedChannels = [ '516344221452599306', // #mp-moderators '742324777934520350', // #discord-moderators ] const gifURL = [ '', '', '' ] if (gifURL.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().includes(e)) && bannedChannels.includes(message.channelId)) { message.reply('Gifs are not allowed in this channel.').then((msg: any)=>message.delete()) } // Autoresponse:tm: if (client.config.botSwitches.autores && !automodded) { const MorningArray = ['good morning', 'morning all', 'morning everyone', 'morning lads'] const AfternoonArray = ['good afternoon', 'afternoon all'] const EveningArray = ['good evening', 'evening all', 'evening everyone'] const NightArray = ['night all', 'night everyone'] const PasswordArray = ['whats the password', 'what\'s the password', 'password pls'] const cantRead = ['i cant read', 'i can\'t read', 'cant read', 'can\'t read'] const NawdicBrokeIt = ['break', 'broke', 'broken'] const deadChat = ['dead chat', 'chat is dead', 'dead server'] if (message.mentions.members.has('309373272594579456') && !client.isStaff(message.member) && message.type != 19){ message.reply('Please don\'t tag Daggerwin, read rule 14 in <#468846117405196289>') } if (message.mentions.members.has('215497515934416896') && !client.isStaff(message.member) && message.type != 19){ message.reply('Please don\'t tag Monster unless it\'s important!') } if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp players`) || message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp status`)){ message.reply('Prefix-based MP commands has moved to and ') } if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*lrs`) || message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*rank`)){ message.reply('Prefix-based LRS command has moved to ') } if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp series`) || message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp info`)){ message.reply('Prefix-based info commands has moved to ') } if (PasswordArray.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().includes(e))){ message.reply('Password and other details can be found in <#543494084363288637>') } if (cantRead.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().includes(e))){ message.reply('') } if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes('is daggerbot working')){ message.reply('') } if (deadChat.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().includes(e))){ message.reply('') } if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes('nawdic') && (NawdicBrokeIt.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().includes(e)))){ const embed = new client.embed().setTitle('*Nawdic has done an oopsie*').setImage('').setColor(client.config.embedColor) message.reply({embeds: [embed]}) } if (MorningArray.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(e))){ message.reply(`Good morning **${message.member.displayName}**!`) } if (AfternoonArray.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(e))){ message.reply(`Afternoon **${message.member.displayName}**!`) } if (EveningArray.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(e))){ message.reply(`Good evening **${message.member.displayName}**!`) } if (NightArray.some(e=>message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(e))){ message.reply(`Night **${message.member.displayName}**`) } } } }