import Discord from 'discord.js'; import TClient from '../client.js'; import MessageTool from '../helpers/MessageTool.js'; import DatabaseServer from '../components/DatabaseServer.js'; import {Model, DataTypes} from '@sequelize/core'; import {writeFileSync} from 'node:fs'; import cron from 'node-cron'; import Logger from '../helpers/Logger.js'; class userLevels extends Model { declare public id: string; declare public messages: number; declare public level: number; declare public pingToggle: boolean; declare public time: number; declare public isBlocked: boolean; } export class UserLevelsSvc { private client: TClient; private model: typeof userLevels; constructor(client:TClient) { this.client = client; this.model = userLevels; this.model.init({ id: { type: DataTypes.STRING, unique: true, primaryKey: true }, messages: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false }, level: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false }, pingToggle: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, allowNull: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.BIGINT, allowNull: true }, isBlocked: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, allowNull: true } }, { tableName: 'userlevels', createdAt: false, updatedAt: false, sequelize: DatabaseServer.seq }); this.model.sync(); } fetchEveryone = async()=>await this.model.findAll(); fetchUser = async(userId:string)=>await this.model.findByPk(userId); deleteUser = async(userId:string)=>await this.model.destroy({where: {id: userId}}); async modifyUser(userId:string, messages:number) { const [_, [updatedUser]] = await this.model.update({messages}, {where: {id: userId}, returning: true}); return updatedUser.dataValues; } async blockUser(userId:string, duration:number):Promise { const data = await this.model.findByPk(userId); if (data && data.dataValues.isBlocked) return false; else if (data) { await this.model.update({time: duration, isBlocked: true}, {where: {id: userId}}); return true; } } async getActiveUsers() { const members = await this.model.findAll({order: [['messages', 'DESC']], limit: 5}); return members; } async messageIncremental(userId:string) { const data = await this.model.findByPk(userId); if (data && data.dataValues.isBlocked) return; if (data) { await this.model.update({messages: data.dataValues.messages + 1}, {where: {id: userId}}); if (data.messages >= this.algorithm(data.dataValues.level+2)) { const oldLevel = data.dataValues.level; while (data.messages > this.algorithm(data.dataValues.level+1)) await this.model.update({level: data.dataValues.level++}, {where: {id: userId}}); const updatedUser = await this.model.findByPk(userId); Logger.console('log', 'LevelSystem', `${userId} superseded to level ${updatedUser.dataValues.level} from ${oldLevel}`); } else if (data.dataValues.messages >= this.algorithm(data.dataValues.level+1)) { await this.model.update({level: data.dataValues.level+1}, {where: {id: userId}}); const getUser = await this.model.findByPk(userId); const levelUpMsg = `${getUser.pingToggle === true ? `<@${userId}>` : `**${(await this.client.users.fetch(userId)).displayName}**`} has reached level **${getUser.level}**. Well done!`; (this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.dcServer.channels.botcommands) as Discord.TextChannel).send({content: levelUpMsg, allowedMentions: {parse: ['users']}}); } } else await this.model.create({id: userId, messages: 1, level: 0, pingToggle: true, isBlocked: false}); } async dataSweeper() { // Every Monday at 12:00 (Sydney Time) cron.schedule('0 12 * * 1', async()=>{ Logger.console('log', 'Cron', 'Running job "dataSweeper", this is activated every Monday at 12:00'); const fetchDiscordMembers = await this.client.guilds.cache.get(; const fetchUsers = await this.model.findAll(); for (const user of fetchUsers) { if (!fetchDiscordMembers.has( { await this.deleteUser(; Logger.console('log', 'Cron:dataSweeper', `Removing ${}`); } } Logger.console('log', 'Cron:dataSweeper', 'Job completed'); }) } async initSelfdestruct() { // Every 1st of January at 11:00 (Midnight in London, Middayish in Sydney) cron.schedule('0 11 1 1 *', async()=>{ Logger.console('log', 'Cron', 'Running job "resetAllData", this is activated every 1st of January'); const performCountBeforeReset = await this.model.count(); const topMembers = await this.getActiveUsers(); Logger.console('log', 'Cron:resetAllData', `Counted ${performCountBeforeReset.toLocaleString()} members before reset`); await this.client.dailyMsgs.nukeDays(); await this.model.truncate(); try { // Send notification to dcServer's logs channel after cronjob is complete. (this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.dcServer.channels.bot_log) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new this.client.embed() .setColor('#A3FFE3') .setTitle('Yearly data reset has begun!') .setDescription(MessageTool.concatMessage( 'I have gone ahead and reset everyone\'s rank data.', `There was ${Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(performCountBeforeReset)} members in database before reset.\n`, 'Top 5 most active members:',,i)=>`${i+1}. **${(this.client.users.resolve( ? this.client.users.resolve( : '*Unknown User*')}** - **${m.dataValues.messages.toLocaleString()}** messages`) )) ]}); } catch (why) { Logger.debug('Cron:resetAllData', why) } // Reset LRSstart to current Epoch and save it to config file const newEpoch = new Date().getTime(); if (this.client.config.LRSstart !== newEpoch) { this.client.config.LRSstart = newEpoch; Logger.console('log', 'Cron:resetAllData', `Resetting LRSstart to \`${newEpoch}\`, saved to config file`); writeFileSync('src/config.json', JSON.stringify(this.client.config, null, 2)); Logger.console('log', 'Cron:resetAllData', 'Job completed'); } }) } algorithm = (level:number)=>level*level*15; // Algorithm for determining levels. If adjusting, recommended to only change the integer at the end of equation. // Requires rank data to be reset if changed as it causes unexpected results. }