import Discord from 'discord.js'; import TClient from '../client.js'; import FAQHelper from '../helpers/FAQHelper.js'; export default class FAQ { static run(_client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){ ({ srp: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, null, `[Ballyspring](<${FAQHelper.linkMapping.ballyspring}>) is the map that is used in Survival Roleplay S4.\n\n> ℹ️ __Note__\n> The map won't look closely like the one in SRP as it is privately edited version of the public map.`, null, false), vtcR: ()=>interaction.reply(FAQHelper.youCanGetRole('vtcmember', 'truck')+'\n*VTC skin can also be found in <#801975222609641472> as well.*'), mpR: ()=>interaction.reply(FAQHelper.youCanGetRole('mpplayer', 'tractor')), ytscam: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Scammers in YouTube comments section', 'If you ever see a comment mentioning a giveaway or anything else, **it\'s a scam!**\nYou should report it to YouTube and move on or ignore it.\nP.S: They\'re on every channel and not just Daggerwin.', FAQHelper.CDN('YTScam'), true), steamscam: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Steam account report scam', `If you received a DM about this, please report it to Discord Moderators or open a [ticket](${FAQHelper.linkMapping.staffTicket})`, FAQHelper.CDN('SteamScam'), true), fsVerifyGame: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Verifying your game files', `You can verify your game files if you experience any issues with your game.\n${FAQHelper.verifyGameFiles}`, FAQHelper.CDN('Steam-Epic-VerifyGamesLocation'), true), fsShader: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Clearing your shader cache folder', 'If your game keeps crashing shortly after opening your game, then the shaders might be an issue.\nTo resolve this, you can go to `Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022` and delete the folder called `shader_cache`', FAQHelper.CDN('shader_cache-Location'), true), fsLogfile: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Uploading your log file', 'You can find `log.txt` in `Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022` and upload it into <#596989522395398144> along with your issue, so people can assist you further and help you resolve.', FAQHelper.CDN('log_txt-Location'), true), fsDevConsole: ()=>FAQHelper.reply(interaction, 'Enabling the development console', 'Head over to `game.xml` in `Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022` and find the section that mentions `false` inside development section, change it to `true` then you are good to go!\nFYI: The keybind to open console is \``\u200b\` (backtick).', FAQHelper.CDN('enableDevConsole'), true) } as any)[interaction.options.getString('question', true)](); } static data = new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('faq') .setDescription('List of questions, e.g; log file for FS, YT Scams and etc.') .addStringOption(x=>x .setName('question') .setDescription('What question do you want answered?') .setRequired(true) .setChoices( { name: 'Survival Roleplay Map', value: 'srp'}, { name: 'Scams in YT comments', value: 'ytscam' }, { name: 'Steam account report scam', value: 'steamscam' }, { name: 'VTC Role', value: 'vtcR' }, { name: 'MP Role', value: 'mpR' }, { name: '[FS] Verifying game files', value: 'fsVerifyGame' }, { name: '[FS] Resolve shader_cache issue', value: 'fsShader' }, { name: '[FS] Log file location', value: 'fsLogfile' }, { name: '[FS] Enabling the console', value: 'fsDevConsole' } )) }