import Discord from 'discord.js'; import TClient from '../client.js'; import mongoose from 'mongoose'; const Schema = mongoose.model('userLevels', new mongoose.Schema({ _id: {type: String}, messages: {type: Number, required: true}, level: {type: Number, required: true} }, {versionKey: false})); export default class userLevels extends Schema { client: TClient; _content: typeof Schema; constructor(client:TClient){ super(); this.client = client; this._content = Schema; } async incrementUser(userid:string){ const userData = await this._content.findById(userid) if (userData){ await this._content.findByIdAndUpdate(userid, {messages: userData.messages + 1}); if (userData.messages >= this.algorithm(userData.level+2)){ while (userData.messages > this.algorithm(userData.level+1)){ const newData = await this._content.findByIdAndUpdate(userid, {level:userData.level++}, {new: true}); console.log(`${userid} extended to level ${newData.level}`); } } else if (userData.messages >= this.algorithm(userData.level+1)) { const newData = await this._content.findByIdAndUpdate(userid, {level:userData.level+1}, {new: true}); (this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.mainServer.channels.botcommands) as Discord.TextChannel).send({content: `<@${userid}> has reached level **${newData.level}**. GG!`, allowedMentions: {parse: ['users']}}) } } else await this._content.create({_id: userid, messages: 1, level: 0}) } algorithm = (level:number)=>level*level*15; // Algorithm for determining levels. If adjusting, recommended to only change the integer at the end of equation. }