mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2025-03-03 15:59:42 +11:00

Push part 3

This commit is contained in:
toast-ts 2022-11-14 11:18:15 +11:00
parent 80daca2f2a
commit 7d5def0cfc
10 changed files with 177 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ interface CommandInfoOpt {
import Discord, { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from 'discord.js';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import { Database } from './database';
import timeNames from './timeNames.js';
import timeNames from './timeNames';
export class TClient extends Client {
invites: any;
commands: any;

src/commands/ban.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
if (!message.inGuild() || !message.channel) return;
client.punish(client, message, args, 'ban');
name: 'ban',
description: 'Ban a member from server.',
usage: ['user mention or id', '?time', '?reason'],
category: 'moderation'

src/commands/botlog.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message){
if (!client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(message.author.id)) return message.reply('You\'re not allowed to use this command');
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.console) as Discord.TextChannel).send({content: `Uploaded the current console dump as of <t:${Math.round(Date.now()/1000)}:R>`, files: ['../.pm2/logs/Daggerbot-out.log']})
await message.reply({content: 'It has been uploaded to dev server.'})
name: 'botlog',
description: 'Retrieves the bot\'s log from host and sends it to appropriate channel.',
category: 'bot'

src/commands/help.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import Discord,{ActionRowBuilder,ButtonBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
let msg;
function helpPage(pageNumber: number, client: TClient, message: Discord.Message<boolean>, args: any, toEdit = false){
async function onEnd(msg){
await msg.edit({content: '_Removed to save space._', embeds: [], components: []});
let pageIndex = pageNumber || 0;
const pageInfo = client.commandPages[pageIndex];
let text = '';
client.commands.filter(command=>!command.hidden && command.category === pageInfo.category && command.page === pageInfo.page).forEach(command=>{
text += client.commandInfo(client, command, client.helpDefaultOptions);
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`__Commands: ${pageInfo.name}__`).setDescription(text);
if (toEdit){
return embed;
} else {
message.reply({embeds: [embed], fetchReply: true, components: [new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(new ButtonBuilder().setStyle('Secondary').setCustomId('back').setEmoji('◀'), new ButtonBuilder().setStyle('Secondary').setCustomId('forward').setEmoji('▶'))]})
// add buttons to go forward or backwards
.then(async botMessage=>{
let endTimestamp = Date.now()+90000;
const filter = (interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction)=>{
return message.author.id === interaction.user.id;
const collector = botMessage.createMessageComponentCollector({filter, time: 90000});;
collector.on('collect', async(button: Discord.ButtonInteraction)=>{
endTimestamp = Date.now()+60000;
if (button.customId === 'back'){
if (pageIndex - 1<0) pageIndex = client.commandPages.length;
button.update({embeds: [helpPage(pageIndex, client, message, args, true)]})
} else if (button.customId === 'forward'){
if (pageIndex + 1>=client.commandPages.length) pageIndex = -1;
button.update({embeds: [helpPage(pageIndex, client, message, args, true)]})
async function onEnd(){
await botMessage.edit({content: '_Removed to save space._', embeds: [], components: []})
const interval = setInterval(()=>{
if (Date.now()>endTimestamp){
collector.on('end', async()=>{
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
// if they ask for specific page #
if (parseInt(args[1])){
if (!client.commandPages[parseInt(args[1]) - 1]) return message.reply('That page number doesn\'t exist.');
return helpPage(parseInt(args[1]) - 1, client, message, args);
// category (name)
if (client.commandPages.some(x=>x.category.toLowerCase() === args.slice(1).join(' ').toLowerCase())){
return helpPage(client.commandPages.map(x=>x.category.toLowerCase()).indexOf(args.slice(1).join(' ').toLowerCase()), client, message, args)
// or command (name)
const command = client.commands.find(x=>x.name === args[1] || x.alias?.includes(args[1]));
if (command){
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`__Commands: ${command.name}__`).setDescription(client.commandInfo(client, command, {insertNewline: true, parts: ['name', 'usage', 'description', 'shortDescription', 'alias', 'category', 'autores'], titles: ['name', 'usage', 'shortDescription', 'alias', 'category', 'autores']}));
return message.reply({embeds: [embed]});
// if run() still hasnt been returned, send category 0 page 1
return helpPage(undefined, client, message, args);
name: 'help',
description: 'Command information and their usage.',
usage: ['?command / ?category / ?page'],
category: 'bot'

src/commands/kick.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
if (!message.inGuild() || !message.channel) return;
client.punish(client, message, args, 'kick');
name: 'kick',
description: 'Kick a member from server.',
usage: ['user mention or id', '?reason'],
category: 'moderation'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { TClient } from "src/client";
import Discord from 'discord.js';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message){
const msg = await message.reply(`Pinging...`)
const time = msg.createdTimestamp - message.createdTimestamp;
msg.edit(`Websocket: \`${client.ws.ping}\`ms\nBot: \`${time}\``)

src/commands/unpunish.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
client.unPunish(client, message, args);
name: 'unpunish',
description: 'Remove an active punishment from a user or an entry from their punishment history.',
usage: ['case id', '?reason'],
alias: ['unban', 'unmute', 'unwarn'],
category: 'moderation'

src/commands/update.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
import { exec } from 'node:child_process';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
if (!client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(message.author.id)) return message.reply('You\'re not allowed to use this command')
const msg = await message.reply({content: 'Pulling...', fetchReply: true})
'git pull',(err:Error,stdout)=>{
if (err){
msg.edit(`Pull failed:\n\`\`\`${err.message}\`\`\``)
} else if (stdout.includes('Already up to date')){
msg.edit(`Pull aborted:\nUp to date with the repository`)
} else {
name: 'update',
description: 'Pull from repository and restart.',
category: 'bot'

src/commands/warn.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, message: Discord.Message, args: any){
if (!message.inGuild() || !message.channel) return;
client.punish(client, message, args, 'warn');
name: 'kick',
description: 'Warn a member.',
usage: ['user mention or id', '?reason'],
category: 'moderation'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import Discord = require('discord.js');
const TClient = require('./client');
import { TClient } from './client';
const client = new TClient;
import fs = require('node:fs');
@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ client.on('ready', async()=>{
// Playing: 0, Streaming (Requires YT/Twitch URL to work): 1, Listening to: 2, Watching: 3, Competing in: 5
}, 60000);
client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id).invites.fetch().then((invs: any[])=>{
invs.forEach(async(inv: { code: any; uses: any; inviter: { id: any; }; })=>{
client.invites.set(inv.code, {uses: inv.uses, creator: inv.inviter.id})
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id) as Discord.Guild;
client.invites.set(inv.code, {uses: inv.uses, creator: inv.inviterId})
}, 500000);
console.log(`${client.user.tag} has logged into Discord API and now ready for operation`)
client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.bot_status).send(`${client.user.username} is active`);
console.log(`${client.user.tag} has logged into Discord API and now ready for operation`);
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.bot_status) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`${client.user.username} is active`);
// Event handler
const eventFiles = fs.readdirSync('./events').filter(file=>file.endsWith('.js'));
@ -32,16 +33,16 @@ client.on('ready', async()=>{
// Handle errors
process.on('unhandledRejection', async(error: Error)=>{
client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
process.on('uncaughtException', async(error: Error)=>{
client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
process.on('error', async(error: Error)=>{
client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
// Command handler