mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 20:09:41 +11:00
enough coding for now, gonna get milk™️
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,4 +5,7 @@ package-lock.json
# TypeScript stuff
# Bot stuff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
npx ts-node src/index.ts
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@
"discord.js": "14.6.0",
"moment": "2.29.4",
"ms": "2.1.3",
"sequelize": "7.0.0-alpha.9",
"sequelize": "6.25.6",
"sqlite3": "5.1.2",
"systeminformation": "5.12.15",
"xml-js": "1.6.11"
"devDependencies": {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import Discord, { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from 'discord.js';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import { Database } from './database';
import timeNames from './timeNames';
import { Punishment, formatTimeOpt, createTableOpt, punOpt } from './typings/interfaces';
export class TClient extends Client {
invites: Map<any, any>;
commands: Discord.Collection<string, any>;
@ -30,14 +31,14 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers,
GatewayIntentBits.GuildBans, GatewayIntentBits.GuildInvites,
GatewayIntentBits.GuildPresences, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessageReactions,
GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent
GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages
partials: [
allowedMentions: { users: [], roles: [] } // idk if it would work but requires testing...
allowedMentions: { users: [], roles: [] }
this.invites = new Map();
this.commands = new Discord.Collection();
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
formatPunishmentType(punishment: Punishment, client: TClient, cancels: Punishment){
formatPunishmentType(punishment: Punishment, client: TClient, cancels?: Punishment){
if (punishment.type == 'removeOtherPunishment'){
cancels ||= this.punishments._content.find((x: Punishment)=>x.id === punishment.cancels)
return cancels.type[0].toUpperCase()+cancels.type.slice(1)+' Removed';
@ -86,13 +87,12 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
formatTime(integer: number, accuracy = 1, options?: formatTimeOpt){
let achievedAccuracy = 0;
let text:any = '';
const { longNames, commas } = options
for (const timeName of timeNames){
if (achievedAccuracy < accuracy){
const fullTimelengths = Math.floor(integer/timeName.length);
if (fullTimelengths == 0) continue;
text += fullTimelengths + (longNames ? (' '+timeName.name+(fullTimelengths === 1 ? '' : 's')) : timeName.name.slice(0, timeName.name === 'month' ? 2 : 1)) + (commas ? ', ' : ' ');
text += fullTimelengths + (options?.longNames ? (' '+timeName.name+(fullTimelengths === 1 ? '' : 's')) : timeName.name.slice(0, timeName.name === 'month' ? 2 : 1)) + (options?.commas ? ', ' : ' ');
integer -= fullTimelengths*timeName.length;
} else {
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
async punish(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>, type: string){
let result: any;
if (!client.isStaff(interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember)) return this.youNeedRole(interaction, 'dcmod')
if (type !== ('warn' || 'mute') && (interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember).roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.idk)) return this.youNeedRole(interaction, 'dcmod');
const time = this.ms(interaction.options.getString('time'));
//if (type !== ('warn' || 'mute') && (interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember).roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.idk)) return this.youNeedRole(interaction, 'dcmod');
const time = interaction.options.getString('time') as string;
const reason = interaction.options.getString('reason') ?? 'Reason unspecified';
if (type == 'ban'){
const user = interaction.options.getUser('member') as Discord.User;
@ -208,7 +208,18 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
async YTLoop(YTChannelID: string, YTChannelName: string, DCChannelID: string){
const Data = this.xjs.xml2js((await this.axios.get(`https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=${YTChannelID}`, {timeout: 5000})), {compact: true, spaces: 2}).catch(()=>{return null});
let Data:any;
let error;
try {
await this.axios.get(`https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=${YTChannelID}`, {timeout: 5000}).then((xml:any)=>{
Data = this.xjs.xml2js(xml.data, {compact: true, spaces: 2});
} catch(err){
error = true;
console.log(`\x1b[36m[${this.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}]`, `\x1b[31m${YTChannelName} YT fail`)
if (!Data) return;
if (this.YTCache[YTChannelID] == undefined){
this.YTCache[YTChannelID] = Data.feed.entry[0]['yt:videoId']._text;
@ -251,7 +262,7 @@ class punishments extends Database {
switch (type) {
case 'ban':
const banData: Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.id, moderator, time: now};
const banData:Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm1: Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been banned from ${interaction.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})} (${timeInMillis}ms)` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${banData.id})`).catch(()=>{return interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.')})
const banResult = await interaction.guild.bans.create(member.id, {reason: `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${banData.id}`}).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof banResult === 'string'){
@ -272,16 +283,84 @@ class punishments extends Database {
case 'softban':
const guild = member.guild;
const softbanData: Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const softbanData:Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm2 = Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been softbanned from ${member.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})} (${timeInMillis}ms)` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${softbanData.id})`).catch(()=>{return interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.')})
const softbanResult = await member.ban({deleteMessageDays: 3, reason: `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${softbanData.id}`}).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof softbanResult === 'string') {
return `Softban was unsuccessful: ${softbanResult}`;
} else {
const unbanResult = guild.members.unban(softbanData.member, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${softbanData.id}`).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof unbanResult === 'string'){
return `Softban (unban) was unsuccessful: ${softbanResult}`
} else {
if (reason) softbanData.reason = reason;
this.client.makeModlogEntry(softbanData, this.client);
return new this.client.embed().setColor(this.client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${softbanData.id}: Softban`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.tag}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
case 'kick':
const kickData:Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm3: Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been kicked from ${member.guild.name} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${kickData.id})`).catch(()=>{interaction.channel.send(`Failed to DM <@${member.user.id}>.`); return null});
const kickResult = await member.kick(`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${kickData.id}`).catch((err:Error)=>err.message)
if (typeof kickResult === 'string'){
if (dm3) dm3.delete();
return `Kick was unsuccessful: ${kickResult}`
} else {
if (reason) kickData.reason = reason;
this.client.makeModlogEntry(kickData, this.client);
return new this.client.embed().setColor(this.client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${kickData.id}: Kick`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
case 'warn':
const warnData:Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const warnResult: Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been warned in ${member.guild.name} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${warnData.id})`).catch(()=>{interaction.channel.send(`Failed to DM <@${member.user.id}>`); return null;})
if (typeof warnResult === 'string'){
return `Warn was unsuccessful: ${warnResult}`
} else {
if (reason) warnData.reason = reason;
this.client.makeModlogEntry(warnData, this.client);
const embedw = new this.client.embed().setColor(this.client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${warnData.id}: Warn`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
if (moderator !== '795443537356521502') {return embedw}
case 'mute':
const muteData:Punishment={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
let muteResult;
if (this.client.isStaff(member)) return 'Staff cannot be muted.'
const dm4: Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been muted in ${member.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})} (${timeInMillis}ms)` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${muteData.id})`).catch(()=>{interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.'); return null});
if (timeInMillis) {
muteResult = await member.timeout(timeInMillis, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${muteData.id}`).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
} else {
muteResult = await member.timeout(2419200000, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${muteData.id}`).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof muteResult === 'string'){
if (dm4) dm4.delete();
return `Mute was unsuccessful: ${muteResult}`;
} else {
if (timeInMillis) {
muteData.endTime = now + timeInMillis;
muteData.duration = timeInMillis;
if (reason) muteData.reason = reason;
this.client.makeModlogEntry(muteData, this.client);
const embedm = new this.client.embed().setColor(this.client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${muteData.id}: Mute`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``},
{name: 'Duration',
value: `${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {
longNames: true,
commas: true
})} (${timeInMillis}ms)`})
if (moderator !== '795443537356521502') {return embedm};
async removePunishment(caseId:number, moderator:any, reason:string):Promise<any>{}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (!client.isStaff(interaction.member) && interaction.channelId == '468835415093411863') return interaction.reply('This command is restricted to staff only in this channel due to high usage.')
const member = interaction.options.getUser('member');
const reason = interaction.options.getString('reason');
const adminPerm = interaction.member.permissions.has('Administrator')
if (!member) {
return interaction.reply('You can\'t bonk the ghost.')
} else {
//if (member && adminPerm) return interaction.reply('You cannot bonk an admin!')
if (member) {
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor)
.setDescription(`> <@${member.id}> has been bonked!\n${reason?.length == null ? '' : `> Reason: ${reason}`}`)
.setFooter({text: `Bonk count for ${member.tag}: ${await client.bonkCount.getUser(member.id).toLocaleString('en-US')}`})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]})
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Bonk a member')
.setDescription('Which member to bonk?'))
.setDescription('Reason for the bonk'))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('Daggerbot contributors').setDescription([
'Toast <@190407856527376384>',
'TÆMBØ <@615761944154210305>',
'Buzz <@593696856165449749>',
'Monster <@215497515934416896>',
'RainbowDave <@141304507249197057>',
'Hitchhiker <@506022868157595648>',
'RedRover92 <@633345781780185099>',
'Nawdic <@178941218510602240>'
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]})
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('List of people who helped and worked on the bot.')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
import MPDB from '../models/MPServer';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (interaction.guildId !== client.config.mainServer.id) return interaction.reply('This command doesn\'t work in this server.');
if (!interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager) && !interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.bottech) && !interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.admin)) return client.youNeedRole(interaction, 'mpmanager');
const newServerId = interaction.guildId
const address = interaction.options.getString('address')
if (!address) {
try {
const Url = await MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId: newServerId}})
if (Url.ip && Url.code){return interaction.reply(`${Url.get('ip')}` + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + `${Url.get('code')}`)}
} catch(err) {
if (err.name == 'SequelizeDatabaseError'){
console.log('MPDB | File doesn\'t exist in database folder, generating one now.')
interaction.reply('`MPDB.dat` is being createdm run the command again.')
} else {
console.log(`MPDB | Error: ${err}`)
interaction.reply('Database error:\nTry inserting an URL first.')
} else {
const verifyURL = address.match(/feed/)
if (!verifyURL) return interaction.reply('Invalid URL, try again.')
const convertURL = address
const newURL = convertURL.replace('xml','json').split('/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=')
try {
console.log(`MPDB | URL for ${interaction.guild.name} has been updated by ${interaction.member.displayName} (${interaction.member.id})`)
const Url = await MPDB.create({
serverId: newServerId,
ip: newURL[0],
code: newURL[1]
return interaction.reply(`Successfully set the URL to ${Url.ip}`)
} catch(err) {
if (err.name == 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError'){
const AffectedRows = await MPDB.update({ip: newURL[0], code: newURL[1]},{where:{serverId: newServerId}});
if (AffectedRows){return interaction.reply(`Successfully updated the URL to ${newURL[0]}`)}
} else {
interaction.reply(`\`MPDB\` has caught an error, notify <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.bottech}>`)
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Update the URL for FSMP functions')
.setDescription('Insert a \'dedicated-server-stats\' url')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
import Discord,{EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
import MPDB from '../models/MPServer';
async function MPdata(client:TClient, interaction:Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction, embed: EmbedBuilder) {
let FSserver;
const newServerId = interaction.guildId;
const ServerURL = await MPDB.findOne({where: { serverId: newServerId }});
const DBURL = ServerURL.ip
const DBCode = ServerURL.code
const verifyURL = DBURL.match(/http/)
const completedURL = DBURL + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + DBCode
if (!verifyURL) return interaction.reply(`No gameserver found, please contact <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager}> to update it.`)
// Fetch dss
try {
FSserver = await client.axios.get(completedURL, {timeout: 2800}) // 2800 seems doable with database latency added to it.
} catch(err) {
// Blame Nawdic & RedRover92
embed.setTitle('Host is not responding.');
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]});
console.log('dag mp fail to fetch, host is not responding.');
return FSserver
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (interaction.channelId == '468835769092669461' && !client.isStaff(interaction.member) && ['status', 'players'].includes(interaction.options.getSubcommand())) {
interaction.reply(`Please use <#739084625862852715> for \`/mp status/players\` commands to prevent clutter in this channel.`).then((msg)=>{
setTimeout(()=>{interaction.deleteReply()}, 500)
const Subb = interaction.options.getSubcommand();
switch (Subb){
case 'status':
const embed0 = new client.embed();
const FSserver0 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed0);
if (FSserver0.data.server.name.length > 1) {
{name: 'Server name', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : `\`${FSserver0?.data.server.name}\``}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Players', value: `${FSserver0.data.slots.used} out of ${FSserver0.data.slots.capacity}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Current map', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : FSserver0.data.server.mapName}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Version', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.version.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : FSserver0.data.server.version}`, inline: true},
{name: 'In-game Time', value: `${('0' + Math.floor((FSserver0.data.server.dayTime/3600/1000))).slice(-2)}:${('0' + Math.floor((FSserver0.data.server.dayTime/60/1000)%60)).slice(-2)}`, inline: true}
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed0]})
case 'players':
const embed1 = new client.embed();
const data = require('../database/MPPlayerData.json').slice(-60)
// handle negative days
data.forEach((change: number, i: number) => {
if (change < 0) data[i] = data[i - 1] || data[i + 1] || 0;
const first_graph_top = 16;
const second_graph_top = 16;
const textSize = 40;
const canvas = require('canvas');
const img = canvas.createCanvas(1500, 750);
const ctx = img.getContext('2d');
const graphOrigin = [15, 65];
const graphSize = [1300, 630];
const nodeWidth = graphSize[0] / (data.length - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = '#36393f';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// grey horizontal lines
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
let interval_candidates = [];
for (let i = 4; i < 10; i++) {
const interval = first_graph_top / i;
if (Number.isInteger(interval)) {
let intervalString = interval.toString();
const reference_number = i * Math.max(intervalString.split('').filter(x => x === '0').length / intervalString.length, 0.3) * (['1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '8'].includes(intervalString[0]) ? 1.5 : 0.67)
interval_candidates.push([interval, i, reference_number]);
const chosen_interval = interval_candidates.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])[0];
const previousY: Array<number> = [];
ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225';
for (let i = 0; i <= chosen_interval[1]; i++) {
const y = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] - (i * (chosen_interval[0] / second_graph_top) * graphSize[1]);
if (y < graphOrigin[1]) continue;
const even = ((i + 1) % 2) === 0;
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#2c2f33';
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0], y);
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0], y);
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225';
previousY.push(y, i * chosen_interval[0]);
// 30m mark
ctx.setLineDash([8, 16]);
const lastMonthStart = graphOrigin[0] + (nodeWidth * (data.length - 60));
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1]);
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1]);
// draw points
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
function getYCoordinate(value: number) {
return ((1 - (value / second_graph_top)) * graphSize[1]) + graphOrigin[1];
function colorAtPlayercount(playercount: number) {
if (playercount === first_graph_top) {
return client.config.embedColorRed;
} else if (playercount > 9) {
return client.config.embedColorYellow;
} else {return client.config.embedColorGreen;}
let lastCoords: Array<number> = [];
data.forEach((curPC: number /* current player count */, i: number) => {
if (curPC < 0) curPC = 0;
const x = i * nodeWidth + graphOrigin[0];
const y = getYCoordinate(curPC);
const nexPC /* next player count */ = data[i + 1];
const prvPC /* previous player count */ = data[i - 1];
const curColor = colorAtPlayercount(curPC); // color now
const prvColor = colorAtPlayercount(prvPC); // color at last point
if (curColor !== prvColor && !isNaN(prvPC) && lastCoords.length > 0) { // gradient should be used when the color between now and last point is not the same
// gradient from now to last point
const grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(...lastCoords, x, y);
grd.addColorStop(0, colorAtPlayercount(prvPC)); // prev color at the beginning
grd.addColorStop(1, colorAtPlayercount(curPC)); // cur color at the end
// special case: playercount rises or falls rapidly accross all colors (eg. straight from red to green)
if (curColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow && prvColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow) {
const yellowY = getYCoordinate(10); // y coordinate at which line should be yellow
const stop = (yellowY - lastCoords[1]) / (y - lastCoords[1]); // between 0 and 1, where is yellowY between y and nextPointCoords[1] ?
grd.addColorStop(stop, client.config.embedColorYellow); // add a yellow stop to the gradient
ctx.strokeStyle = grd;
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC);
if (lastCoords.length > 0) ctx.moveTo(...lastCoords);
// if the line being drawn is horizontal, make it go until it has to go down
if (y === lastCoords[1]) {
let newX = x;
for (let j = i + 1; j <= data.length; j++) {
if (data[j] === curPC) newX += nodeWidth; else break;
ctx.lineTo(newX, y);
} else {
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
lastCoords = [x, y];
if (curPC === prvPC && curPC === nexPC) {
return; // no ball because no vertical difference to next or prev point
} else {
// ball
ctx.fillStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC);
ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth * 1.3, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// draw text
ctx.font = '400 ' + textSize + 'px sans-serif';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// highest value
const maxx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2;
const maxy = previousY[0] + (textSize / 3);
ctx.fillText(previousY[1].toLocaleString('en-US'), maxx, maxy);
// lowest value
const lowx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2;
const lowy = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize / 3);
ctx.fillText('0 players', lowx, lowy);
// 30m
ctx.fillText('30 mins ago', lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] - (textSize / 2));
// time ->
const tx = graphOrigin[0] + (textSize / 2);
const ty = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize);
ctx.fillText('time ->', tx, ty);
const Image = new client.attachmentBuilder(img.toBuffer(),{name: 'FSStats.png'})
const FSserver1 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed1)
embed1.setTitle(FSserver1.data.server.name.length == 0 ? 'Offline' : FSserver1?.data.server.name)
.setColor(FSserver1?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? client.config.embedColorRed : client.config.embedColor);
embed1.addFields({name: `${player.name} ${player.isAdmin ? '| admin' : ''}`, value: `Farming for ${(Math.floor(player.uptime/60))} hr, ${('0' + (player.uptime % 60)).slice(-2)} min`})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed1], files: [Image]})
case 'info':
const embed2 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor)
const FSserver2 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed2)
const DBURL = MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId: interaction.guildId}})
`**Server name**: ${FSserver2?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? 'Unknown Server' : `\`${FSserver2.data.server.name}\``}`,
'**Password:** `mf4700`',
'**Crossplay server**',
`**Map:** ${FSserver2.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? 'Null Island' : FSserver2.data.server.mapName}`,
`**Mods:** [Click here](${(await DBURL).ip}/mods.html) **|** [Direct Download](${(await DBURL).ip}/all_mods_download?onlyActive=true)`,
'**Filters:** [Click here](https://discord.com/channels/468835415093411861/468835769092669461/926581585938120724)'
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed2]})
case 'series':
const embed3 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('How to join the Daggerwin MP series')
'To join the Daggerwin MP series, you first need to:',
'**1:** Note that only PC players can join the MP series due to the mods that are used.',
'**2:** Become a YouTube Member by pressing the `Join` button on [Daggerwin\'s YouTube page](https://www.youtube.com/c/Daggerwin) next to the `Subscribe` button.',
'**3:** Link your YouTube account to your Discord account via Settings>Connections>Add connection. Be sure that you link the same YouTube account you used to become a channel member.',
'**4:** If you don\'t receive the role within a day or so, please message an Admin and they will sort it out.',
'**5:** Take a look in <#511657659364147200> to get information on how to join the server.'
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed3]})
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Display MP status and other things')
.setDescription('Check server status and details'))
.setDescription('Check who\'s playing on the server'))
.setDescription('Provides you with server information such as filters and so on'))
.setDescription('Step-by-step on joining Daggerwin\'s MP series'))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
client.punish(client, interaction, 'mute');
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Mute a member')
.setDescription('Which member to mute?')
.setDescription('Mute duration'))
.setDescription('Reason for the mute'))
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
const msg = await interaction.reply({content: 'Pinging...', fetchReply: true})
const time = msg.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp;
msg.edit(`Websocket: \`${client.ws.ping}\`ms\nBot: \`${time}\``)
msg.edit(`Websocket: \`${client.ws.ping}\`ms\nBot: \`${time}\`ms`)
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (!client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(interaction.user.id)) return client.youNeedRole(interaction, 'bottech');
interaction.reply('Restarting...').then(()=>require('node:child_process').exec('pm2 restart Daggerbot'))
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Restart the bot for technical reasons')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder, version} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
import si from 'systeminformation';
import os from 'node:os';
import { versionMajorMinor } from 'typescript';
import { VERSION } from 'ts-node';
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
switch (interaction.options.getSubcommand()) {
case 'commands':
const columns = ['Command name', 'Count'];
const includedCommands = client.commands.filter(x=>x.uses).sort((a,b)=>b.uses - a.uses);
if (includedCommands.size == 0) return interaction.reply(`No commands have been used yet.\nUptime: ${client.formatTime(client.uptime as number, 2, {longNames: true, commas: true})}`);
const nameLength = Math.max(...includedCommands.map(x=>x.default.data.name.length), columns[0].length) + 2;
const amountLength = Math.max(...includedCommands.map(x=>x.uses.toLocaleString().length), columns[1].length) + 1;
const rows = [`${columns[0] + ' '.repeat(nameLength - columns[0].length)}|${' '.repeat(amountLength - columns[1].length) + columns[1]}\n`, '-'.repeat(nameLength) + '-'.repeat(amountLength) + '\n'];
const name = command.default.data.name;
const count = command.uses.toString();
rows.push(`${name + ' '.repeat(nameLength - name.length)}${' '.repeat(amountLength - count.length) + count}\n`);
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('Statistics: Command Usage')
'List of commands that have been used in this session, ordered by amount of use. Table contains command name and amount of uses.',
`Total amount of commands used in this session: ${client.commands.filter(x=>x.uses).map(x=>x.uses).reduce((a,b)=>a+b, 0)}`
if (rows.join('').length > 1024){
let fieldValue = '';
if (fieldValue.length + row.length > 1024){
embed.addFields({name: '\u200b', value: `\`\`\`\n${fieldValue}\`\`\``});
fieldValue = row;
} else {
fieldValue += row;
embed.addFields({name: '\u200b', value: `\`\`\`\n${fieldValue}\`\`\``});
} else {
embed.addFields({name: '\u200b', value: `\`\`\`\n${rows.join('')}\`\`\``})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]})
case 'host':
// Bytes conversion
function formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {
if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes';
const k = 1024;
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];
await interaction.deferReply();
const cpu = await si.cpu();
const ram = await si.mem();
const osInfo = await si.osInfo();
const currentLoad = await si.currentLoad();
const embed1 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('Statistics: Host Info').setDescription([
`> __Dependencies__`,
`**TypeScript:** ${versionMajorMinor}`,
`**TS-Node:** ${VERSION}`,
`**NodeJS:** ${process.version}`,
`**DiscordJS:** ${version}`,
`> __Host__`,
`**Operating System:** ${osInfo.distro + ' ' + osInfo.release}`,
`**CPU:** ${cpu.manufacturer, cpu.brand}`,
`**Memory:** ${formatBytes(ram.used)}/${formatBytes(ram.total)}`,
`**NodeJS:** ${formatBytes(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed)}/${formatBytes(process.memoryUsage().heapTotal)}`,
`**Load Usage:**\nUser: ${currentLoad.currentLoadUser.toFixed(1)}%\nSystem: ${currentLoad.currentLoadSystem.toFixed(1)}%`,
`**Uptime:**\nHost: ${client.formatTime((os.uptime()*1000), 2, {longNames: true, commas: true})}\nBot: ${client.formatTime(client.uptime as number, 2, {commas: true, longNames: true})}`
.setFooter({text: `Load time: ${Date.now() - interaction.createdTimestamp}ms`});
interaction.editReply({embeds: [embed1]});
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('See a list of commands ordered by their usage or bot stats')
.setDescription('View command usage stats'))
.setDescription('View host stats'))
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default {
} else if (stdout.includes('Already up to date')){
msg.edit(`Pull aborted:\nUp to date with the repository`)
} else {
setTimeout(()=>{msg.edit('Restarting...').then(()=>require('node:child_process').exec('pm2 restart Daggerbot'))},1000)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
function convert(status:string){
switch (status){
case 'offline':
return '⚫'
case 'idle':
return '🟡'
case 'dnd':
return '🔴'
case 'online':
return '🟢'
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
const member = interaction.options.getMember('member') as Discord.GuildMember;
if (member == null){
const user = interaction.options.getUser('member') as Discord.User;
const embed = new client.embed()
.setThumbnail(user.avatarURL({size:2048}) || user.defaultAvatarURL)
.setTitle(`${user.bot ? 'Bot': 'User'} Info: ${user.tag}`)
.addFields({name: '🔹 Account Creation Date', value: `<t:${Math.round(user.createdTimestamp/1000)}>\n<t:${Math.round(user.createdTimestamp/1000)}:R>`})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]})
} else {
await member.user.fetch();
const embedArray = [];
const embed0 = new client.embed()
.setColor(member.displayColor || client.config.embedColor)
.setThumbnail(member.user.avatarURL({size:2048}) || member.user.defaultAvatarURL)
.setImage(member.user.bannerURL({size:1024}) as string)
.setTitle(`${member.user.bot ? 'Bot' : 'Member'} Info: ${member.user.tag}`)
.setDescription(`<@${member.user.id}>\n\`${member.user.id}\`${member.user.id === interaction.guild.ownerId ? '\n__**Server Owner**__ 👑' : ''}`)
{name: '🔹 Account Creation Date', value: `<t:${Math.round(member.user.createdTimestamp/1000)}>\n<t:${Math.round(member.user.createdTimestamp/1000)}:R>`},
{name: '🔹 Server Join Date', value: `<t:${Math.round((member.joinedTimestamp as number)/1000)}>\n<t:${Math.round((member.joinedTimestamp as number)/1000)}:R>`},
{name: `🔹 Roles: ${member.roles.cache.size - 1}`, value: member.roles.cache.size > 1 ? member.roles.cache.filter(x=>x.id !== interaction.guild.roles.everyone.id).sort((a,b)=>b.position - a.position).map(x=>x).join(member.roles.cache.size > 4 ? ' ' : '\n').slice(0,1024) : 'No roles'}
if (member.premiumSinceTimestamp !== null){
embed0.addFields({name: '🔹 Server Boosting since', value: `<t:${Math.round(member.premiumSinceTimestamp/1000)}>\n<t:${Math.round(member.premiumSinceTimestamp/1000)}:R>`, inline: true})
if (member.presence){embed0.addFields({name: `🔹 Status: ${member.presence.status}`, value: `${member.presence.status === 'offline' ? '⚫' : `Desktop: ${(member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).desktop ? convert((member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).desktop as string) : convert('offline')}\nWeb: ${(member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).web ? convert((member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).web as string) : convert('offline')}\nMobile: ${(member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).mobile ? convert((member.presence.clientStatus as Discord.ClientPresenceStatusData).mobile as string) : convert('offline')}`}`, inline: true})}
interaction.reply({embeds: embedArray})
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('View your own or someone else\'s information')
.setDescription('Member or user to view their information')
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -94,5 +94,13 @@
"moderator": "532662366354276352",
"time": 1668331244780,
"reason": "innapropiate profile picture"
"type": "ban",
"id": 13,
"member": "985447227755495425",
"moderator": "141304507249197057",
"time": 1668526989338,
"reason": "steam scammer"
@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
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"633345781780185099": {
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"711527768185372742": {
@ -64,31 +64,31 @@
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"837979120142778388": {
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"messages": 9978,
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"849633082440941628": {
@ -120,15 +120,15 @@
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"452576735494406175": {
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"763055599654666291": {
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"718453763932946432": {
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"472809522226790420": {
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
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"931816463113814066": {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
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"468437000232501269": {
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"399625244588900362": {
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"397101726047666197": {
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
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"645342896312156181": {
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"488505753133645826": {
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
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"848489550065827850": {
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"862138850423472128": {
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
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"700053257996992573": {
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"949404588673482872": {
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
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"464887328138199042": {
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
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"132183685658050561": {
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"386627658773168137": {
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"708758234407895050": {
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"273755695680192513": {
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"348617165135544321": {
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"629585796290314250": {
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"309170189164085249": {
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"1025723411680460840": {
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"786733440003211285": {
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"853043920505012255": {
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"687692546314600530": {
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"1011307308325818438": {
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"907163452043305000": {
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"335637071878422529": {
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"646684489573203968": {
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"907951346769092618": {
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"726188513518813275": {
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"530533266206359552": {
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"123080080946757632": {
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"messages": 39,
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"1001530115148226711": {
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"969867332304400404": {
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"881867367418826812": {
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"591972887812898816": {
"messages": 1,
"messages": 2,
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"718100655851438090": {
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"1029465066174677132": {
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"messages": 11,
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"387345064927428611": {
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"938332923042598933": {
"messages": 1,
"messages": 2,
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"719181129390751755": {
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"972513020972519484": {
"messages": 87,
"messages": 94,
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"953310806538330163": {
@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@
"level": 0
"703628676310368257": {
"messages": 4,
"messages": 6,
"level": 0
"444715401159639042": {
@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@
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"284482432684785664": {
"messages": 2,
"messages": 3,
"level": 0
"727948378067173407": {
@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@
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"490183428990304286": {
"messages": 75,
"messages": 77,
"level": 2
"787352638811013151": {
@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@
"level": 0
"534500956688351242": {
"messages": 4,
"messages": 8,
"level": 0
"989466115803590686": {
@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@
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"697953686487564348": {
"messages": 110,
"messages": 123,
"level": 2
"664233182941413427": {
@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@
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"340587045250531358": {
"messages": 84,
"messages": 86,
"level": 2
"911709434554777660": {
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"999736341220839464": {
"messages": 7,
"messages": 9,
"level": 0
"901565970974392331": {
@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@
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"388211913621897216": {
"messages": 21,
"messages": 22,
"level": 1
"1039241529912475729": {
@ -2700,12 +2700,12 @@
"level": 0
"995622955897864272": {
"messages": 70,
"messages": 92,
"level": 2
"153323923633733632": {
"messages": 8,
"level": 0
"messages": 17,
"level": 1
"190028480786726913": {
"messages": 2,
@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@
"level": 0
"590595536537518091": {
"messages": 2,
"messages": 4,
"level": 0
"576383133763764225": {
@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@
"level": 0
"328602696040841216": {
"messages": 7,
"messages": 10,
"level": 0
"222861120329744387": {
@ -2736,11 +2736,11 @@
"level": 0
"927957676120473671": {
"messages": 1,
"messages": 2,
"level": 0
"846431793715871749": {
"messages": 1,
"messages": 3,
"level": 0
"838471706871988234": {
@ -2748,11 +2748,31 @@
"level": 0
"259798326705127435": {
"messages": 1,
"messages": 2,
"level": 0
"910647475570901054": {
"messages": 2,
"level": 0
"1037133851190890589": {
"messages": 2,
"level": 0
"945263081095852042": {
"messages": 5,
"level": 0
"521087871776718869": {
"messages": 4,
"level": 0
"299940980680032279": {
"messages": 3,
"level": 0
"248226483967885312": {
"messages": 2,
"level": 0
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export default {
const usedInvite = newInvites.find((inv:any)=>oldInvites.get(inv.code)?.uses < inv.uses);
newInvites.forEach((inv:any)=>client.invites.set(inv.code,{uses: inv.uses, creator: inv.inviter.id}));
const embed1 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColorGreen).setTimestamp().setThumbnail(member.user.displayAvatarURL({size: 2048})).setTitle(`Member Joined: ${member.user.tag}`).setDescription(`<@${member.user.id}>\n\`${member.user.id}\``).addFields(
const embed1 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColorGreen).setTimestamp().setThumbnail(member.user.displayAvatarURL({size: 2048})).setTitle(`Member Joined: ${member.user.tag}`).setDescription(`<@${member.user.id}>\n\`${member.user.id}\``).setFooter({text: `Total members: ${index}${suffix}`}).addFields(
{name: '🔹 Account Creation Date', value: `<t:${Math.round(member.user.createdTimestamp/1000)}>\n<t:${Math.round(member.user.createdTimestamp/1000)}:R>`},
{name: '🔹 Invite Data:', value: usedInvite ? `Invite: \`${usedInvite.code}\`\nCreated by: **${usedInvite.inviter?.tag}**` : 'I couldn\'t find out how they joined!'}
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { TClient } from '../client';
export default {
name: 'messageCreate',
execute: async(client:TClient, message:Discord.Message)=>{
if (!client.config.botSwitches.commands && !client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(message.author.id)) return
if (!client.config.botSwitches.commands && !client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(message.author.id)) return
if (message.author.bot) return;
if (message.channel.type === ChannelType.DM) return;
const msgarr = message.content.toLowerCase().split(' ');
@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ export default {
// Autoresponse:tm:
if (!client.config.botSwitches.autores && !automodded) {
if (client.config.botSwitches.autores && !automodded) {
if (message.mentions.members.has('309373272594579456') && !client.isStaff(message.member) && message.type != 19){
message.reply('Please don\'t tag Daggerwin, read rule 14 in <#468846117405196289>')
if (message.mentions.members.has('215497515934416896') && !client.isStaff(message.member) && message.type != 19){
message.reply('Please don\'t tag Monster unless it\'s important!')
if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`${client.config.prefix}players`) || message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`${client.config.prefix}status`)){
message.reply('Commands for the MP server have been moved to `*mp players` and `*mp status`.')
if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp players`) || message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(`*mp status`)){
message.reply('Prefix-based MP commands has been moved to `/mp players` and `/mp status`')
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes('whats the password') || message.content.toLowerCase().includes('what\'s the password') || message.content.toLowerCase().includes('password pls')){
message.reply('Password and other details can be found in <#543494084363288637>')
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export default {
const msgarr = newMsg.content.toLowerCase().split(' ');
if (client.bannedWords._content.some((word:string)=>msgarr.includes(word)) && (!client.isStaff(newMsg.member))) newMsg.delete();
if (newMsg.content === oldMsg.content) return;
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTimestamp().setAuthor({name: `Author: ${oldMsg.author.tag} (${oldMsg.author.id})`, iconURL: `${oldMsg.author.displayAvatarURL()}`}).setTitle('Message edited').setDescription(`<@${oldMsg.author.id}>\nOld content:\n\`\`\`\n${oldMsg.content}\n\`\`\`\nNew content:\n\`\`\`\nChannel: <#${oldMsg.channelId}>`);
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTimestamp().setAuthor({name: `Author: ${oldMsg.author.tag} (${oldMsg.author.id})`, iconURL: `${oldMsg.author.displayAvatarURL()}`}).setTitle('Message edited').setDescription(`<@${oldMsg.author.id}>\nOld content:\n\`\`\`\n${oldMsg.content}\n\`\`\`\nNew content:\n\`\`\`\n${newMsg.content}\`\`\`\nChannel: <#${oldMsg.channelId}>`);
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.logs) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [embed], components: [new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents(new ButtonBuilder().setStyle(5).setURL(`${oldMsg.url}`).setLabel('Jump to message'))]});
@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
interface punOpt {
time?: string,
reason?: string,
interaction?: any
import Discord from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from './client';
const client = new TClient;
import fs from 'node:fs';
import MPDB from './models/MPServer';
import { Punishment } from './typings/interfaces';
client.on('ready', async()=>{
client.guilds.cache.forEach(async(e: { members: { fetch: () => any; }; })=>{await e.members.fetch()});
client.user.setPresence({activities: [{ name: 'TypeScript is pog', type: 0 }], status: 'online'});
client.user.setPresence({activities: [{ name: 'Slash commands!', type: 0 }], status: 'online'});
// Playing: 0, Streaming (Requires YT/Twitch URL to work): 1, Listening to: 2, Watching: 3, Competing in: 5
}, 60000);
if (client.config.botSwitches.registerCommands) (client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id) as Discord.Guild).commands.set(client.registry).catch((e)=>{console.log(`Couldn't register slash commands: ${e}`)})
@ -22,7 +28,7 @@ client.on('ready', async()=>{
}, 500000);
console.log(`${client.user.tag} has logged into Discord API and now ready for operation`);
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.bot_status) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`${client.user.username} is active\n\`\`\`json\n${Object.entries(client.config.botSwitches).map((hi)=>`${hi[0]}: ${hi[1]}`).join('\n')}\`\`\``);
//(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.bot_status) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`${client.user.username} is active\n\`\`\`json\n${Object.entries(client.config.botSwitches).map((hi)=>`${hi[0]}: ${hi[1]}`).join('\n')}\`\`\``);
// Event handler
const eventFiles = fs.readdirSync('src/events').filter(file=>file.endsWith('.ts'));
@ -35,21 +41,21 @@ client.on('ready', async()=>{
// Handle errors
process.on('unhandledRejection', async(error: Error)=>{
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
//(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
process.on('uncaughtException', async(error: Error)=>{
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
//(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
process.on('error', async(error: Error)=>{
(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
//(client.channels.resolve(client.config.mainServer.channels.errors) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor('#420420').setTitle('Error caught!').setDescription(`**Error:** \`${error.message}\`\n\n**Stack:** \`${`${error.stack}`.slice(0, 2500)}\``)]})
// Daggerwin MP loop
if (!client.config.botSwitches.mpstats) return;
const msg = await (client.channels.resolve('904192878140608563') as Discord.TextChannel).messages.fetch('1042464209709051974')
const msg = await (client.channels.resolve('904192878140608563') as Discord.TextChannel).messages.fetch('1042835699906400346')
const embed = new client.embed();
let Players = [];
let Server: any;
@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ setInterval(async()=>{
} else {
const embed1 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('Server details').addFields(
{name: 'Current Map', value: `${Server.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : Server.data.server.mapName}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Game Version', value: `${Server.data.server.version.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : Server.data.server.version}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Version', value: `${Server.data.server.version.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : Server.data.server.version}`, inline: true},
{name: 'In-game Time', value: `${('0' + Math.floor((Server.data.server.dayTime/3600/1000))).slice(-2)}:${('0' + Math.floor((Server.data.server.dayTime/60/1000)%60)).slice(-2)}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Slot Usage', value: `${Number(xmlData?.slotSystem?._attributes?.slotUsage).toLocaleString('en-US')}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Timescale', value: `${formatNumber(timeScale, 0, 'x')}`, inline: true}
@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ setInterval(async()=>{
// YouTube Upload notification
client.YTLoop('UCQ8k8yTDLITldfWYKDs3xFg', 'Daggerwin', '528967918772551702'); // 528967918772551702 = #videos-and-streams
client.YTLoop('UCQ8k8yTDLITldfWYKDs3xFg', 'Daggerwin', '904192878140608563'); // 528967918772551702 = #videos-and-streams
client.YTLoop('UCguI73--UraJpso4NizXNzA', 'Machinery Restorer', '767444045520961567') // 767444045520961567 = #machinery-restorer
}, 300000)
@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ setInterval(async()=>{
total = yesterday
dailyMsgs.push([formattedDate, total]);
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + 'dailyMsgs.json', JSON.stringify(dailyMsgs))
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/database/dailyMsgs.json', JSON.stringify(dailyMsgs))
console.log(`\x1b[36m[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}] \x1b[33m`, `Pushed [${formattedDate}, ${total}] to dailyMsgs`)
}, 5000)
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
interface formatTimeOpt {
export interface formatTimeOpt {
longNames: boolean,
commas: boolean
interface createTableOpt {
export interface createTableOpt {
columnAlign: any,
columnSeparator: any,
columnEmptyChar: any
interface punOpt {
export interface punOpt {
time?: string,
reason?: string,
interaction?: any
interface Punishment {
export interface Punishment {
id: number;
type: string;
member: string;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
"ts-node": {
"transpileOnly": true,
"compilerOptions": {
"esModuleInterop": true,
@ -12,11 +11,8 @@
"rootDir": "src/",
"outDir": "dist/",
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"declarationDir": "src/typings",
"typeRoots": [ "node_modules/@types", "src/typings" ],
"typeRoots": [ "node_modules/@types", "./src/typings" ],
"include": [ "node_modules/@types", "src/**/*" ],
"exclude": [ "dist", "node_modules" ],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user