mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2025-03-04 00:19:41 +11:00

cring duplicate system

This commit is contained in:
AnxietyisReal 2022-11-22 08:19:17 +11:00
parent b014ca8edc
commit 6179558c7b

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const client = new TClient;
import fs from 'node:fs';
import MPDB from './models/MPServer';
import { Punishment, punOpt, UserLevels } from './typings/interfaces';
import { Punishment, UserLevels } from './typings/interfaces';
client.on('ready', async()=>{
client.guilds.cache.forEach(async(e: { members: { fetch: () => any; }; })=>{await e.members.fetch()});
@ -162,178 +162,4 @@ setInterval(async()=>{
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/database/dailyMsgs.json', JSON.stringify(dailyMsgs))
console.log(`\x1b[36m[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}] \x1b[33m`, `Pushed [${formattedDate}, ${total}] to dailyMsgs`)
}, 5000)
// Punishments
return Math.max(...client.punishments._content.map((x:Punishment)=>x.id), 0) + 1;
async addPunishment(type: string, member: any, options: punOpt, moderator: string){
const now = Date.now();
const { time, reason, interaction } = options;
const ms = require('ms');
let timeInMillis;
if (type !== 'mute'){
timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : null;
} else {
timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : 2419200000;
switch (type) {
case 'ban':
const banData: Punishment = {type, id: this.createId(), member: member.id, moderator, time: now};
let dm1:any;
try {
dm1 = await member.send(`You've been banned from ${interaction.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})}` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${banData.id})`)
} catch (err) {
setTimeout(()=>interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.'), 500)
const banResult = await interaction.guild.bans.create(member.id, {reason: `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${banData.id}`}).catch((err: Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof banResult === 'string'){
return `Ban was unsuccessful: ${banResult}`;
} else {
if (timeInMillis){
banData.endTime = now + timeInMillis;
banData.duration = timeInMillis;
if (reason) banData.reason = reason;
client.makeModlogEntry(banData, client);
return new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${banData.id}: Ban`).setDescription(`${member.tag}\n<@${member.id}>\n(\`${member.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``},
{name: 'Duration', value: `${timeInMillis ? `for ${client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})}` : 'forever'}`}
case 'softban':
const guild = member.guild;
const softbanData: Punishment = {type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm2 = await member.send(`You've been softbanned from ${member.guild.name} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${softbanData.id})`).catch(err=>setTimeout(()=>interaction.channel.send(`Failed to DM <@${member.user.id}>.`), 500));
const softbanResult = await member.ban({deleteMessageSeconds: 345600, reason: `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${softbanData.id}`}).catch((err: Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof softbanResult === 'string'){
return `Softban was unsuccessful: ${softbanResult}`;
} else {
const unbanResult = guild.members.unban(softbanData.member, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${softbanData.id}`).catch((err: Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof unbanResult === 'string'){
return `Softban (unban) was unsuccessful: ${softbanResult}`
} else {
if (reason) softbanData.reason = reason;
client.makeModlogEntry(softbanData, client);
return new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${softbanData.id}: Softban`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
case 'kick':
const kickData: Punishment = {type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm3 = await member.send(`You've been kicked from ${member.guild.name} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${kickData.id})`).catch((err:Error)=>setTimeout(()=>interaction.channel.send(`Failed to DM <@${member.user.id}>.`), 500));
const kickResult = await member.kick(`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${kickData.id}`).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof kickResult === 'string'){
return `Kick was unsuccessful: ${kickResult}`;
} else {
if (reason) kickData.reason = reason;
client.makeModlogEntry(kickData, client);
return new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${kickData.id}: Kick`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
case 'mute':
const muteData: Punishment = {type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
let muteResult;
const dm4 = await member.send(`You've been muted in ${member.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})}` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${muteData.id})`).catch((err:Error)=>setTimeout(()=>interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.'), 500));
if (timeInMillis){
muteResult = await member.timeout(timeInMillis, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${muteData.id}`).catch((err: Error)=>err.message);
} else {
muteResult = await member.timeout(2419200000, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${muteData.id}`).catch((err: Error)=>err.message);
if (typeof muteResult === 'string') {
return `Mute was unsuccessful: ${muteResult}`;
} else {
if (timeInMillis){
muteData.endTime = now + timeInMillis;
muteData.duration = timeInMillis
if (reason) muteData.reason = reason;
client.makeModlogEntry(muteData, client);
const embedm = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${muteData.id}: Mute`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``},
{name: 'Duration', value: `${client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})}`}
if (moderator !== '795443537356521502') {return embedm};
case 'warn':
const warnData: Punishment = {type, id: this.createId(), member: member.user.id, moderator, time: now};
const warnResult = await member.send(`You've been warned in ${member.guild.name} for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\` (Case #${warnData.id})`).catch((err:Error)=>setTimeout(()=>interaction.channel.send(`Failed to DM <@${member.user.id}>.`), 500));
if (typeof warnResult === 'string'){
return `Warn was unsuccessful: ${warnResult}`;
} else {
if (reason) warnData.reason = reason;
client.makeModlogEntry(warnData, client);
const embedw = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle(`Case #${warnData.id}: Warn`).setDescription(`${member.user.tag}\n<@${member.user.id}>\n(\`${member.user.id}\`)`).addFields(
{name: 'Reason', value: `\`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``}
if (moderator !== '795443537356521502') {return embedw};
async removePunishment(caseId: number, moderator: any, reason: string){
const now = Date.now();
const punishment = this._content.find((x:any)=>x.id === caseId);
const id = this.createId();
if (!punishment) return 'Punishment not found.';
if (['ban', 'mute'].includes(punishment.type)){
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id) as Discord.Guild;
let removePunishmentResult;
if(punishment.type === 'ban'){
// unban
removePunishmentResult = await guild.members.unban(punishment.member, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${id}`).catch((err: TypeError)=>err.message);
}else if (punishment.type === 'mute') {
//remove role
const member = await guild.members.fetch(punishment.member).catch(err=>undefined);
if (member){
removePunishmentResult = await member
if (typeof removePunishmentResult !== 'string'){
member.timeout(null, `${reason || 'Reason unspecified'} | Case #${id}`)
removePunishmentResult.send(`You've been unmuted in ${removePunishmentResult.guild.name}.`)
removePunishmentResult = removePunishmentResult.user; //removing a role returns a guildmember
// user probably left, lets quietly nuke the punishment.
const removePunishmentData = {type: `un${punishment.type}`, id, cancels: punishment.id, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now};
this._content[this._content.findIndex(x=>x.id === punishment.id)].expired = true;
if (typeof removePunishmentResult === 'string') return `Un${punishment.type} was unsuccessful: ${removePunishmentResult}`;
const removePunishmentData = {type: `un${punishment.type}`, id, cancels: punishment.id, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now};
client.makeModlogEntry(removePunishmentData, client);
this._content[this._content.findIndex(x=>x.id === punishment.id)].expired = true;
return `Successfully ${punishment.type === 'ban' ? 'unbanned' : 'unmuted'} **${removePunishmentResult?.tag}** (\`${removePunishmentResult?.id}\`) for reason \`${reason || 'Reason unspecified'}\``;
} else {
try {
const removePunishmentData = {type: 'removeOtherPunishment', id, cancels: punishment.id, member: punishment.member, reason, moderator, time: now};
client.makeModlogEntry(removePunishmentData, client);
this._content[this._content.findIndex(x=>x.id === punishment.id)].expired = true;
return `Successfully removed Case #${punishment.id} (type: ${punishment.type}, user: ${punishment.member}).`;
} catch(error: any){
return `${punishment.type[0].toUpperCase()+punishment.type.slice(1)} removal was unsuccessful: ${error.message}`
}, 5000)