mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2025-03-04 00:19:41 +11:00

my tired self cant take it for tonite (Push part 4)

This commit is contained in:
AnxietyisReal 2022-11-14 19:45:40 +11:00
parent 5518649ebd
commit 37d94d6b90
6 changed files with 178 additions and 23 deletions

src/Sharding.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import {token_main} from './tokens.json'
import { ShardingManager } from "discord.js";
const sharder = new ShardingManager('./index.ts',{token: token_main, totalShards: 1, mode: 'worker'})
sharder.on('shardCreate',async(shard)=>{console.log(`Shard ${shard.id} launched`)})

View File

@ -7,6 +7,16 @@ interface formatTimeOpt {
longNames: boolean,
commas: boolean
interface CommandInfoOpt {
insertNewline: boolean,
parts: string[], //idfk
titles: string[]
interface punOpt {
time?: string,
reason?: string;
interaction?: any
interface Punishment {
id: number;
type: string;
@ -19,25 +29,33 @@ interface Punishment {
cancels?: number;
duration?: number;
interface CommandInfoOpt {
insertNewline: boolean,
parts: string[], //idfk
titles: string[]
interface punData {
id: number;
type: string;
member: string;
moderator: string;
expired?: boolean;
time?: number;
reason: string;
endTime?: number;
cancels?: number;
duration?: number;
import Discord, { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } from 'discord.js';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import { Database } from './database';
import timeNames from './timeNames';
export class TClient extends Client {
invites: any;
commands: any;
invites: Map<any, any>;
commands: Discord.Collection<string, any>;
registry: Array<Discord.ApplicationCommandDataResolvable>;
config: any;
tokens: any;
categoryNames: any;
commandPages: any;
helpDefaultOptions: any;
YTCache: any;
embed: any;
embed: typeof Discord.EmbedBuilder;
collection: any;
messageCollector: any;
attachmentBuilder: any;
@ -45,12 +63,11 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
xjs: any;
axios: any;
memberCount_LastGuildFetchTimestamp: any;
userLevels: Database;
punishments: Database;
bonkCount: Database;
bannedWords: Database;
userLevels: userLevels;
punishments: punishments;
bonkCount: bonkCount;
bannedWords: bannedWords;
repeatedMessages: any;
setMaxListeners: any;
@ -69,6 +86,7 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
this.invites = new Map();
this.commands = new Discord.Collection();
this.registry = [];
this.config = require('./config.json');
this.tokens = require('./tokens.json');
@ -89,10 +107,10 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
this.xjs = import('xml-js');
this.axios = import('axios');
this.memberCount_LastGuildFetchTimestamp = 0;
this.userLevels = new Database('./database/userLevels.json', 'object');
this.bonkCount = new Database('./database/bonkCount.json', 'object');
this.punishments = new Database('./database/punishments.json', 'array');
this.bannedWords = new Database('./database/bannedWords.json', 'array');
this.repeatedMessages = {};
@ -102,6 +120,12 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands/slash').filter(file=>file.endsWith('.ts'));
for (const file of commandFiles){
const command = require(`./commands/slash/${file}`);
this.commands.set(command.data.name, command)
commandInfo(client: TClient, command: any, options?: CommandInfoOpt){
let text = ':small_orange_diamond: ';
@ -368,4 +392,73 @@ export class TClient extends Client {
(this.channels.resolve(DCChannelID) as Discord.TextChannel).send(`**${YTChannelName}** just uploaded a video!\n${Data.feed.entry[0].link._attributes.href}`)
class bannedWords extends Database {
client: TClient;
constructor(client: TClient){
super('./database/bannedWords.json', 'array');
this.client = client;
class punishments extends Database {
client: TClient;
constructor(client: TClient){
super('./database/punishments.json', 'array');
this.client = client;
return Math.max(...this.client.punishments._content.map((x:punData)=>x.id), 0)+1;
async addPunishment(type: string, member: any, options: punOpt, moderator: string){
const now = Date.now();
const {time, reason, interaction}=options;
const ms = require('ms');
let timeInMillis;
if(type !== 'mute'){
timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : null;
} else {
timeInMillis = time ? ms(time) : 2419200000;
switch (type) {
case 'ban':
const banData: punData={type, id: this.createId(), member: member.id, moderator, time: now};
const dm1: Discord.Message = await member.send(`You've been banned from ${interaction.guild.name} ${timeInMillis ? `for ${this.client.formatTime(timeInMillis, 4, {longNames: true, commas: true})} (${timeInMillis}ms)` : 'forever'} for reason \`${reason || 'Unspecified'}\` (Case #${banData.id})`).catch(()=>{return interaction.channel.send('Failed to DM user.')})
const banResult = await interaction.guild.bans.create(member.id, {reason: `${reason || 'Unspecified'} | Case #${banData.id}`}).catch((err:Error)=>err.message);
case 'softban':
case 'kick':
case 'warn':
case 'mute':
class userLevels extends Database {
client: TClient;
constructor(client: TClient){
super('./database/userLevels.json', 'object');
this.client = client
incrementUser(userid: string){
const data = this._content[userid];
if (data) {
if (data.messages >= this.algorithm(data.level+2)){
while (data.messages > this.algorithm(data.level+1)){
console.log(`${userid} EXTENDED LEVELUP ${this._content[userid].level}`)
} else if (data.messages >= this.algorithm(data.level+1)){
(this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.mainServer.channels.thismeanswar) as Discord.TextChannel).send({content: `<@${userid}> has reached level **${data.level}**. GG!`})
} else {
this._content[userid] = {messages: 1, level: 0};
algorithm(level: number){
return level*level*15;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export default {
output = await eval(code)
} catch (err: any) {
error = true
const embed = new client.embed().setColor('ff0000').setTitle('__Eval__').addFields(
const embed = new client.embed().setColor('#ff0000').setTitle('__Eval__').addFields(
{name: 'Input', value: `\`\`\`js\n${code.slice(0, 1010)}\n\`\`\``},
{name: 'Output', value: `\`\`\`\n${err}\`\`\``}
@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ export default {
if (error) return;
if (typeof output !== 'string') {
output = 'js\n'+util.formatWithOptions({depth: 1}, '%O', output)
} else {
output = '\n' + String(output);
if (typeof output == 'object') {
output = 'js\n'+util.formatWithOptions({depth: 1}, '%O', output)
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import Discord,{SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import { TClient } from 'src/client';
import * as util from 'node:util';
const removeUsername = (text: string)=>{
let matchesLeft = true;
const array = text.split('\/');
while (matchesLeft){
let usersIndex = array.indexOf('home');
if (usersIndex<1) matchesLeft = false;
else {
let usernameIndex = usersIndex+1;
if(array[usernameIndex].length == 0) usernameIndex += 1;
array[usernameIndex] = '*'.repeat(array[usernameIndex].length);
array[usersIndex] = 'ho\u200bme';
} return array.join('\/');
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>) {
if (!client.config.eval.allowed) return interaction.reply({content: 'Eval is disabled.', ephemeral: true});
if (!client.config.eval.whitelist.includes(interaction.user.id)) return interaction.reply({content: 'You\'re not allowed to use this command.', ephemeral: true});
const code = interaction.options.getString('code') as string;
let output = 'error';
let error = false;
try {
output = await eval(code);
} catch (err: any) {
error = true
const embed = new client.embed().setColor('#ff0000').setTitle('__Eval__').addFields(
{name: 'Input', value: `\`\`\`js\n${code.slice(0, 1010)}\n\`\`\``},
{name: 'Output', value: `\`\`\`\n${err}\`\`\``}
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]}).catch(()=>(interaction.channel as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [embed]})).then(errorEmbedMessage=>{
const filter = (x:any)=>x.content === 'stack' && x.author.id === interaction.user.id
const messagecollector = (interaction.channel as Discord.TextChannel).createMessageCollector({filter, max: 1, time: 60000});
messagecollector.on('collect', collected=>{
collected.reply({content: `\`\`\`\n${removeUsername(err.stack)}\n\`\`\``, allowedMentions: {repliedUser: false}});
if (error) return;
if (typeof output == 'object') {
output = 'js\n'+util.formatWithOptions({depth: 1}, '%O', output)
} else {
output = '\n' + String(output);
const regexp = new RegExp(x as string,'g');
output = output.replace(regexp, 'TOKEN_LEAK');
const embed = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('__Eval__').addFields(
{name: 'Input', value: `\`\`\`js\n${code.slice(0,1010)}\n\`\`\``},
{name: 'Output', value: `\`\`\`${removeUsername(output).slice(0,1016)}\n\`\`\``}
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]}).catch(()=>(interaction.channel as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [embed]}))
name: 'eval',
description: 'Run code for debugging purposes',
category: 'bot'

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"embedColorBCA": "#ff69b4",
"LRSstart": 1661236321433,
"botSwitches": {
"registerCommands": false,
"commands": false,
"logs": false,
"automod": false,
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
"console": "904192878140608563",
"errors": "904192878140608563",
"bot_status": "904192878140608563",
"thismeanswar": "904192878140608563",
"logs": "904192878140608563",
"welcome": "904192878140608563",
"botcommands": "904192878140608563"

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ client.on('ready', async()=>{
client.user.setPresence({activities: [{ name: 'Running under TS', type: 0 }], status: 'online'});
// Playing: 0, Streaming (Requires YT/Twitch URL to work): 1, Listening to: 2, Watching: 3, Competing in: 5
}, 60000);
if (client.config.botSwitches.registerCommands) (client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id) as Discord.Guild).commands.set(client.registry).catch((e)=>{console.log(`Couldn't register slash commands: ${e}`)})
const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(client.config.mainServer.id) as Discord.Guild;
@ -51,7 +52,6 @@ for (const file of commandFiles){
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(command.name, command)
// Slash command handler todo
// Daggerwin MP loop