mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2024-12-27 04:15:38 -05:00

Add top 5 members to yearly nuke.

This commit is contained in:
toast-ts 2024-01-14 16:31:26 +11:00
parent 1cda220a06
commit 18cbc40d79

View File

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ export class UserLevelsSvc {
await this.model.update({messages: updatedMessages}, {where: {id: userId}});
return (await this.model.findByPk(userId)).dataValues;
async getActiveUsers() {
const members = (await this.model.findAll()).sort((a,b)=>b.dataValues.messages-a.dataValues.messages);
return members.slice(0, 5);
async messageIncremental(userId:string) {
const data = await this.model.findByPk(userId);
if (data) {
@ -82,19 +86,27 @@ export class UserLevelsSvc {
cron.schedule('0 11 1 1 *', async()=>{
Logger.console('log', 'Cron', 'Running job "resetAllData", this is activated every 1st of January');
const performCountBeforeReset = await this.model.count();
const topMembers = await this.getActiveUsers();
Logger.console('log', 'Cron:resetAllData', `Counted ${performCountBeforeReset.toLocaleString()} members before reset`);
await this.client.dailyMsgs.nukeDays();
await this.model.drop().then(async()=>await this.model.sync());
// Send notification to dcServer's logs channel after cronjob is complete.
(this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.dcServer.channels.logs) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new this.client.embed()
.setTitle('Yearly data reset has begun!')
'I have gone ahead and reset everyone\'s rank data.',
`There was ${Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(performCountBeforeReset)} members in database before reset.`
try {
// Send notification to dcServer's logs channel after cronjob is complete.
(this.client.channels.resolve(this.client.config.dcServer.channels.logs) as Discord.TextChannel).send({embeds: [new this.client.embed()
.setTitle('Yearly data reset has begun!')
'I have gone ahead and reset everyone\'s rank data.',
`There was ${Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(performCountBeforeReset)} members in database before reset.\n`,
'Top 5 most active members:',
...topMembers.map((m,i)=>`${i+1}. **${(this.client.users.resolve(m.dataValues.id) ? this.client.users.resolve(m.dataValues.id).displayName : '*Unknown User*')}** - **${m.dataValues.messages.toLocaleString()}** messages`)
} catch (why) {
Logger.console('error', 'Cron:resetAllData:DEBUG', why)
// Reset LRSstart to current Epoch and save it to config file
const newEpoch = new Date().getTime();