2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00
import Discord , { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js' ;
2023-02-09 12:51:59 +11:00
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest' ;
2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00
import { exec } from 'node:child_process' ;
2023-02-09 12:51:59 +11:00
import { readFileSync } from 'node:fs' ;
2023-02-25 11:55:11 +11:00
import util from 'node:util' ;
2023-02-09 12:51:59 +11:00
import TClient from '../client' ;
2023-01-22 22:21:32 +11:00
import path from 'node:path' ;
2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00
const removeUsername = ( text : string ) = > {
2023-02-25 11:55:11 +11:00
let matchesLeft = true ;
const array = text . split ( '\\' ) ;
while ( matchesLeft ) {
let usersIndex = array . indexOf ( 'Users' ) ;
if ( usersIndex < 1 ) matchesLeft = false ;
else {
let usernameIndex = usersIndex + 1 ;
if ( array [ usernameIndex ] . length == 0 ) usernameIndex += 1 ;
array [ usernameIndex ] = '*' . repeat ( array [ usernameIndex ] . length ) ;
array [ usersIndex ] = 'Us\u200bers' ;
} return array . join ( '\\' ) ;
2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00
} ;
export default {
2023-02-25 11:55:11 +11:00
async run ( client : TClient , interaction : Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction < 'cached' > ) {
if ( ! client . config . eval . whitelist . includes ( interaction . user . id ) ) return client . youNeedRole ( interaction , 'bottech' ) ;
( {
eval : async ( ) = > {
if ( ! client . config . eval . allowed ) return interaction . reply ( { content : 'Eval is disabled.' , ephemeral : true } ) ;
const code = interaction . options . getString ( 'code' ) as string ;
let output = 'error' ;
let error = false ;
try {
output = await eval ( code ) ;
} catch ( err : any ) {
error = true
const embed = new client . embed ( ) . setColor ( '#ff0000' ) . setTitle ( '__Eval__' ) . addFields (
{ name : 'Input' , value : ` \` \` \` js \ n ${ code . slice ( 0 , 1010 ) } \ n \` \` \` ` } ,
{ name : 'Output' , value : ` \` \` \` \ n ${ err } \` \` \` ` }
interaction . reply ( { embeds : [ embed ] } ) . catch ( ( ) = > ( interaction . channel as Discord . TextChannel ) . send ( { embeds : [ embed ] } ) ) . then ( errorEmbedMessage = > {
const filter = ( x :any ) = > x . content === 'stack' && x . author . id === interaction . user . id
const messagecollector = ( interaction . channel as Discord . TextChannel ) . createMessageCollector ( { filter , max : 1 , time : 60000 } ) ;
messagecollector . on ( 'collect' , collected = > {
collected . reply ( { content : ` \` \` \` \ n ${ removeUsername ( err . stack ) } \ n \` \` \` ` , allowedMentions : { repliedUser : false } } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( error ) return ;
if ( typeof output == 'object' ) {
output = 'js\n' + util . formatWithOptions ( { depth : 1 , colors : true } , '%O' , output )
} else {
output = '\n' + String ( output ) ;
[ client . tokens . main , client . tokens . beta , client . tokens . toast , client . tokens . tae , client . tokens . webhook_url , client . tokens . webhook_url_test , client . tokens . mongodb_uri , client . tokens . mongodb_uri_dev ] . forEach ( ( x ) = > {
const regexp = new RegExp ( x as string , 'g' ) ;
output = output . replace ( regexp , ':noblank: No token?' ) ;
} )
const embed = new client . embed ( ) . setColor ( client . config . embedColor ) . setTitle ( '__Eval__' ) . addFields (
{ name : 'Input' , value : ` \` \` \` js \ n ${ code . slice ( 0 , 1010 ) } \ n \` \` \` ` } ,
{ name : 'Output' , value : ` \` \` \` ${ removeUsername ( output ) . slice ( 0 , 1016 ) } \ n \` \` \` ` }
) ;
interaction . reply ( { embeds : [ embed ] } ) . catch ( ( ) = > ( interaction . channel as Discord . TextChannel ) . send ( { embeds : [ embed ] } ) ) ;
} ,
update : async ( ) = > {
var githubRepo = { owner : 'AnxietyisReal' , repo : 'Daggerbot-TS' , ref : 'HEAD' }
const octokit = new Octokit ( { timeZone : 'Australia/NSW' , userAgent : 'Daggerbot' } )
const fetchCommitMsg = await octokit . repos . getCommit ( githubRepo ) . then ( x = > x . data . commit . message ) ;
const fetchCommitAuthor = await octokit . repos . getCommit ( githubRepo ) . then ( x = > x . data . commit . author . name ) ;
const clarkson = await interaction . reply ( { content : 'Pulling from repository...' , fetchReply : true } ) ;
exec ( 'git pull' , ( err :Error , stdout ) = > {
if ( err ) {
clarkson . edit ( ` \` \` \` ${ removeUsername ( err . message ) } \` \` \` ` )
} else if ( stdout . includes ( 'Already up to date' ) ) {
clarkson . edit ( 'Bot is already up to date with the repository, did you forgor to push the changes? :skull:' )
} else {
setTimeout ( ( ) = > { clarkson . edit ( ` Commit: ** ${ fetchCommitMsg } ** \ nCommit author: ** ${ fetchCommitAuthor } ** \ n \ nUptime before restarting: ** ${ client . formatTime ( client . uptime as number , 3 , { commas : true , longNames : true } )}** ` ) . then ( ( ) = > exec ( 'pm2 restart Daggerbot' ) ) } , 650 )
} ) ;
} ,
presence : ( ) = > {
function convertType ( Type? : number ) {
switch ( Type ) {
case 0 : return 'Playing' ;
case 1 : return 'Streaming' ;
case 2 : return 'Listening to' ;
case 3 : return 'Watching' ;
case 5 : return 'Competing in' ;
} ;
const status = interaction . options . getString ( 'status' ) as Discord . PresenceStatusData | null ;
const type = interaction . options . getInteger ( 'type' ) ;
const name = interaction . options . getString ( 'name' ) ;
const url = interaction . options . getString ( 'url' ) ;
const currentActivities = client . config . botPresence . activities as Discord . ActivitiesOptions [ ] ;
if ( status ) client . config . botPresence . status = status ;
if ( type ) currentActivities [ 0 ] . type = type ;
if ( name ) currentActivities [ 0 ] . name = name ;
if ( url ) currentActivities [ 0 ] . url = url ;
client . user . setPresence ( client . config . botPresence ) ;
interaction . reply ( [
'Presence updated:' ,
` Status: ** ${ client . config . botPresence . status } ** ` ,
` Type: ** ${ convertType ( currentActivities [ 0 ] . type ) } ** ` ,
` Name: ** ${ currentActivities [ 0 ] . name } ** ` ,
` URL: \` ${ currentActivities [ 0 ] . url } \` `
] . join ( '\n' ) )
} ,
statsgraph : ( ) = > {
client . statsGraph = - ( interaction . options . getInteger ( 'number' , true ) ) ;
interaction . reply ( ` Successfully set to \` ${ client . statsGraph } \` \ n*Total data points: ** ${ JSON . parse ( readFileSync ( path . join ( __dirname , '../database/MPPlayerData.json' ) , { encoding : 'utf8' } )).length.toLocaleString()}*** ` )
} ,
logs : ( ) = > {
interaction . deferReply ( ) ;
( client . channels . resolve ( client . config . mainServer . channels . console ) as Discord . TextChannel ) . send ( { content : ` Uploaded the current console dump as of <t: ${ Math . round ( Date . now ( ) / 1000 ) } :R> ` , files : [ ` ${ process . env . pm2_home } /logs/Daggerbot-out-0.log ` , ` ${ process . env . pm2_home } /logs/Daggerbot-error-0.log ` ] } ) . then ( ( ) = > interaction . editReply ( 'It has been uploaded to dev server.' ) ) . catch ( ( e :Error ) = > interaction . editReply ( ` \` ${ e . message } \` ` ) )
} ,
restart : ( ) = > {
interaction . reply ( ` Uptime before restarting: ** ${ client . formatTime ( client . uptime as number , 3 , { commas : true , longNames : true } )}** ` ) . then ( ( ) = > exec ( 'pm2 restart Daggerbot' ) )
} as any ) [ interaction . options . getSubcommand ( ) ] ( ) ;
} ,
2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00
data : new SlashCommandBuilder ( )
2023-02-25 11:55:11 +11:00
. setName ( 'dev' )
. setDescription ( 'Developer commands' )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'eval' )
. setDescription ( 'Execute the code to the bot' )
. addStringOption ( ( opt ) = > opt
. setName ( 'code' )
. setDescription ( 'Execute your code' )
. setRequired ( true ) ) )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'logs' )
. setDescription ( 'Retrieve the logs from host and sends it to dev server' ) )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'restart' )
. setDescription ( 'Restart the bot for technical reasons' ) )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'update' )
. setDescription ( 'Pull from repository and restart' ) )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'statsgraph' )
. setDescription ( 'Edit the number of data points to pull' )
. addIntegerOption ( ( hiTae ) = > hiTae
. setName ( 'number' )
. setDescription ( 'Number of data points to pull' )
. setRequired ( true ) ) )
. addSubcommand ( ( optt ) = > optt
. setName ( 'presence' )
. setDescription ( 'Update the bot\'s presence' )
. addIntegerOption ( ( hiTae ) = > hiTae
. setName ( 'type' )
. setDescription ( 'Set an activity type' )
. addChoices (
{ name : 'Playing' , value : Discord.ActivityType.Playing } ,
{ name : 'Streaming' , value : Discord.ActivityType.Streaming } ,
{ name : 'Listening to' , value : Discord.ActivityType.Listening } ,
{ name : 'Watching' , value : Discord.ActivityType.Watching } ,
{ name : 'Competing in' , value : Discord.ActivityType.Competing }
) )
. addStringOption ( ( hiAgain ) = > hiAgain
. setName ( 'name' )
. setDescription ( 'Set a message for the activity status' ) )
. addStringOption ( ( hiAgainx2 ) = > hiAgainx2
. setName ( 'url' )
. setDescription ( 'Set an url for streaming status' ) )
. addStringOption ( ( hiAgainx3 ) = > hiAgainx3
. setName ( 'status' )
. setDescription ( 'Set a status indicator for the bot' )
. setChoices (
{ name : 'Online' , value : Discord.PresenceUpdateStatus.Online } ,
{ name : 'Idle' , value : Discord.PresenceUpdateStatus.Idle } ,
{ name : 'Do Not Distrub' , value : Discord.PresenceUpdateStatus.DoNotDisturb } ,
{ name : 'Invisible' , value : Discord.PresenceUpdateStatus.Offline }
) ) )
2023-01-07 11:41:20 +11:00