mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2024-09-30 00:50:59 -04:00

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2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
import Discord from 'discord.js';
2023-04-14 06:47:58 -04:00
import TClient from '../client.js';
2023-01-02 07:08:59 -05:00
import path from 'node:path';
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
import {readFileSync} from 'node:fs';
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
import canvas from 'canvas';
export default {
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
if (interaction.guildId !== client.config.mainServer.id) return interaction.reply({content: 'This command doesn\'t work in this server.', ephemeral: true});
const allData = await client.userLevels._content.find({});
view: async()=>{
// fetch user or user interaction sender
const member = interaction.options.getMember('member') ?? interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember;
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
if (member.user.bot) return interaction.reply('Bots don\'t level up, try viewing the rank data from the users instead.');
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
// information about users progress on level roles
const userData = await client.userLevels._content.findById(member.user.id);
const pronounBool = (you: string, they: string) => { // takes 2 words and chooses which to use based on if user did this command on themself
if (interaction.user.id === member.user.id) return you || true;
else return they || false;
if (!userData) return interaction.reply(`${pronounBool('You', 'They')} currently don't have a level, send some messages to level up.`)
const index = allData.sort((a, b) => b.messages - a.messages).map(x => x._id).indexOf(member.id) + 1;
const memberDifference = userData.messages - client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level);
const levelDifference = client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level+1) - client.userLevels.algorithm(userData.level);
interaction.reply({embeds: [new client.embed().setColor(member.displayColor).setTitle(`Level: **${userData.level}**\nRank: **${index ? '#' + index : 'last'}**\nProgress: **${memberDifference}/${levelDifference} (${(memberDifference/levelDifference*100).toFixed(2)}%)**\nTotal: **${userData.messages.toLocaleString('en-US')}**`).setThumbnail(member.avatarURL({extension:'png',size:1024}) || member.user.avatarURL({extension:'png',size:1024}) || member.user.defaultAvatarURL).setFooter({text: userData.notificationPing === true ? 'Ping notification enabled' : 'Ping notification disabled'})]})
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
leaderboard: ()=>{
const data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join('./src/database/dailyMsgs.json'), 'utf8')).map((x: Array<number>, i: number, a: any) => {
return x[1] - ((a[i - 1] || [])[1] || x[1])
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
// handle negative days
data.forEach((change: number, i: number) => {
if (change < 0) data[i] = data[i - 1] || data[i + 1] || 0;
const maxValue = Math.max(...data);
const maxValueArr = maxValue.toString().split('');
const first_graph_top = Math.ceil(maxValue * 10 ** (-maxValueArr.length + 1)) * 10 ** (maxValueArr.length - 1);
const second_graph_top = Math.ceil(maxValue * 10 ** (-maxValueArr.length + 2)) * 10 ** (maxValueArr.length - 2);
const textSize = 32;
const img = canvas.createCanvas(1200, 600);
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
const ctx = img.getContext('2d');
const graphOrigin = [25, 50];
const graphSize = [1020, 500];
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
const nodeWidth = graphSize[0] / (data.length - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = '#36393f'; //'#111111';
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// grey horizontal lines
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
let interval_candidates = [];
for (let i = 4; i < 10; i++) {
const interval = first_graph_top / i;
if (Number.isInteger(interval)) {
let intervalString = interval.toString();
const reference_number = i * Math.max(intervalString.split('').filter(x => x === '0').length / intervalString.length, 0.3) * (['1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '8'].includes(intervalString[0]) ? 1.5 : 0.67)
interval_candidates.push([interval, i, reference_number]);
const chosen_interval = interval_candidates.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])[0];
let previousY: Array<number> = [];
ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; //'#555B63';
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
for (let i = 0; i <= chosen_interval[1]; i++) {
const y = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] - (i * (chosen_interval[0] / second_graph_top) * graphSize[1]);
if (y < graphOrigin[1]) continue;
const even = ((i + 1) % 2) === 0;
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#2c2f33'; //'#3E4245';
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0], y);
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0], y);
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225'; //'#555B63';
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
previousY = [y, i * chosen_interval[0]];
// 30d mark
ctx.setLineDash([8, 16]);
const lastMonthStart = graphOrigin[0] + (nodeWidth * (data.length - 30));
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1]);
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1]);
// draw points
ctx.strokeStyle = client.config.embedColor as string;
ctx.fillStyle = client.config.embedColor as string;
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
function getYCoordinate(value: number) {
return ((1 - (value / second_graph_top)) * graphSize[1]) + graphOrigin[1];
let lastCoords: Array<number> = [];
data.forEach((val: number, i: number) => {
if (lastCoords) ctx.moveTo(lastCoords[0], lastCoords[1]);
if (val < 0) val = 0;
const x = i * nodeWidth + graphOrigin[0];
const y = getYCoordinate(val);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
lastCoords = [x, y];
// ball
ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth * 1.2, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// draw text
ctx.font = '400 ' + textSize + 'px sans-serif';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// highest value
ctx.fillText(previousY[1].toLocaleString('en-US'), graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize, previousY[0] + (textSize / 3));
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
// lowest value
ctx.fillText('0 msgs', graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize / 3));
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
// 30d
ctx.fillText('30d ago', lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] - (textSize / 3));
// time ->
ctx.fillText('time ->', graphOrigin[0] + (textSize / 2), graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize));
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
interaction.reply({embeds: [
new client.embed().setTitle('Ranking leaderboard')
.setDescription(`Level System was created **${Math.floor((Date.now()-client.config.LRSstart)/1000/60/60/24)}** days ago. Since then, a total of **${allData.reduce((a, b)=>a+b.messages, 0).toLocaleString('en-US')}** messages have been sent in this server.`)
2023-07-20 08:17:51 -04:00
.addFields({name: 'Top users by messages sent:', value: allData.sort((a,b)=>b.messages - a.messages).slice(0,10).map((x,i)=>`${i+1}. <@${x._id}>: ${x.messages.toLocaleString('en-US')}`).join('\n')})
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
.setFooter({text: 'Graph updates daily.'})
], files: [new client.attachmentBuilder(img.toBuffer(),{name: 'dailymsgs.png'})]})
notification: async()=>{
const findUserInMongo = await client.userLevels._content.findById(interaction.user.id);
if (!findUserInMongo.notificationPing ?? findUserInMongo.notificationPing === false) {
await findUserInMongo.updateOne({_id: interaction.user.id, notificationPing: true})
interaction.reply({content: 'You will be pinged for level-up notification in the future.', ephemeral: true})
} else if (findUserInMongo.notificationPing === true) {
await findUserInMongo.updateOne({_id: interaction.user.id, notificationPing: false})
interaction.reply({content: 'You won\'t be pinged for level-up notification in the future.', ephemeral: true})
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
} as any)[interaction.options.getSubcommand()]();
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
data: new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder()
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
.setDescription('Level system')
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
.setDescription('View your rank or someone else\'s rank')
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
.setDescription('Which member do you want to view?')))
2023-05-23 01:14:17 -04:00
2023-03-05 05:04:10 -05:00
.setDescription('View top 10 users on leaderboard'))
.setDescription('Allow the bot to ping you or not when you level up'))