mirror of https://github.com/toast-ts/Daggerbot-TS.git synced 2024-09-29 20:40:59 -04:00

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import Discord,{EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder} from 'discord.js';
import MPDB from '../models/MPServer';
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
import TClient from 'src/client';
2023-01-02 07:08:59 -05:00
import path from 'node:path';
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
import canvas from 'canvas';
2023-01-02 07:08:59 -05:00
import fs from 'node:fs';
async function MPdata(client:TClient, interaction:Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction, embed: EmbedBuilder) {
let FSserver;
if (!await MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId: interaction.guildId}})) return interaction.reply('This server isn\'t linked.')
const ServerURL = await MPDB.findOne({where: { serverId: interaction.guildId }});
2022-11-19 05:17:04 -05:00
if (!ServerURL) return interaction.reply(`No gameserver found, please contact <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager}> to add it.`)
const DBURL = ServerURL.ip
const DBCode = ServerURL.code
const verifyURL = DBURL.match(/http/)
const completedURL = DBURL + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + DBCode
2022-11-19 05:17:04 -05:00
if (!verifyURL) return interaction.reply(`Invalid gameserver IP, please contact <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager}> to update it.`)
// Fetch dss
try { // v I am aware timeout has decreased from 2800 to 2588 to fit within Discord's interaction timeouts (3s) -Toast
FSserver = await client.axios.get(completedURL, {timeout: 2588, headers: {'User-Agent': `Daggerbot - mp cmd/axios ${client.axios.VERSION}`}}) // Finally got around to fixing the command when it cannot ping the host.
} catch(err) {
// Blame Nawdic & RedRover92
embed.setTitle('Host is not responding.');
2022-11-28 02:19:17 -05:00
console.log(`[${client.moment().format('DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss')}] dag mp fail to fetch, host is not responding.`);
return interaction.reply('Server didn\'t respond in time.');
return FSserver
2022-11-18 11:56:18 -05:00
export default {
async run(client: TClient, interaction: Discord.ChatInputCommandInteraction<'cached'>){
2022-11-18 11:56:18 -05:00
if (interaction.channelId == '468835769092669461' && !client.isStaff(interaction.member) && ['status', 'players'].includes(interaction.options.getSubcommand())) {
interaction.reply(`Please use <#739084625862852715> for \`/mp status/players\` commands to prevent clutter in this channel.`).then((msg)=>{
setTimeout(()=>{interaction.deleteReply()}, 6000)
status: async()=>{
const embed0 = new client.embed();
const FSserver0 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed0);
if (!FSserver0?.data) return console.log('FSserver0 failed - status');
try {
if (FSserver0.data.server.name.length > 1){
{name: 'Server name', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : `\`${FSserver0?.data.server.name}\``}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Players', value: `${FSserver0.data.slots.used} out of ${FSserver0.data.slots.capacity}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Current map', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : FSserver0.data.server.mapName}`, inline: true},
{name: 'Version', value: `${FSserver0?.data.server.version.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : FSserver0.data.server.version}`, inline: true},
{name: 'In-game Time', value: `${('0' + Math.floor((FSserver0.data.server.dayTime/3600/1000))).slice(-2)}:${('0' + Math.floor((FSserver0.data.server.dayTime/60/1000)%60)).slice(-2)}`, inline: true}
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed0]})
} else if (FSserver0.data.server.name.length == 0) {
interaction.reply('Server is currently offline.')
} catch (err){
interaction.reply('FSserver0 Placeholder')
info: async()=>{
const embed2 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor)
const FSserver2 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed2)
if (!FSserver2?.data) return console.log('FSserver2 failed - info')
const DBURL = MPDB.findOne({where: {serverId: interaction.guildId}})
`**Server name**: \`${FSserver2?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? '\u200b' : FSserver2?.data.server.name}\``,
'**Password:** `mf4700`',
'**Crossplay server**',
`**Map:** ${FSserver2.data.server.mapName.length == 0 ? 'Null Island' : FSserver2.data.server.mapName}`,
`**Mods:** [Click here](${(await DBURL).ip}/mods.html) **|** [Direct Download](${(await DBURL).ip}/all_mods_download?onlyActive=true)`,
'**Filters:** [Click here](https://discord.com/channels/468835415093411861/468835769092669461/926581585938120724)',
'Please see <#543494084363288637> for additional information.'
if (FSserver2?.data.server.name.length == 0){
embed2.setFooter({text: 'Server is currently offline.'})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed2]})
url: async()=>{
if (!interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.mpmanager) && !interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.bottech) && !interaction.member.roles.cache.has(client.config.mainServer.roles.admin)) return client.youNeedRole(interaction, 'mpmanager');
const address = interaction.options.getString('address');
if (!address){
try {
const Url = await MPDB.findOne({where:{serverId: interaction.guildId}})
if (Url.ip && Url.code){return interaction.reply(`${Url.get('ip')}` + '/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=' + `${Url.get('code')}`)}
} catch(err){
console.log(`MPDB | ${err}`)
interaction.reply('**Database error:**\nTry inserting an URL first.')
const verifyURL = address.match(/dedicated-server-stats/)
if (!verifyURL) return interaction.reply('The URL does not match `dedicated-server-stats.xml`')
const newURL = address.replace('xml','json').split('/feed/dedicated-server-stats.json?code=')
console.log(`MPDB | URL for ${interaction.guild.name} has been updated by ${interaction.member.displayName} (${interaction.member.id})`);
const Url = await MPDB.create({
serverId: interaction.guildId,
ip: newURL[0],
code: newURL[1],
timesUpdated: 0
return interaction.reply(`Successfully set the URL to ${Url.ip}`)
} catch(err){
if (err.name == 'SequelizeUniqueConstraintError'){
const AffectedRows = await MPDB.update({ip: newURL[0], code: newURL[1]},{where:{serverId: interaction.guildId}});
await MPDB.increment('timesUpdated',{where:{serverId: interaction.guildId}});
if (AffectedRows) return interaction.reply(`Successfully updated the URL to ${newURL[0]}`)
interaction.reply(`\`MPDB\` has caught an error, notify <@&${client.config.mainServer.roles.bottech}>`)
players: async()=>{
const embed1 = new client.embed();
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../database/MPPlayerData.json'), {encoding: 'utf8'})).slice(client.statsGraph)
// handle negative days
data.forEach((change: number, i: number) => {
if (change < 0) data[i] = data[i - 1] || data[i + 1] || 0;
const first_graph_top = 16;
const second_graph_top = 16;
const textSize = 40;
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
const img = canvas.createCanvas(1500, 750);
const ctx = img.getContext('2d');
const graphOrigin = [15, 65];
const graphSize = [1300, 630];
const nodeWidth = graphSize[0] / (data.length - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = '#36393f';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// grey horizontal lines
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
let interval_candidates = [];
for (let i = 4; i < 10; i++) {
const interval = first_graph_top / i;
if (Number.isInteger(interval)) {
let intervalString = interval.toString();
const reference_number = i * Math.max(intervalString.split('').filter(x => x === '0').length / intervalString.length, 0.3) * (['1', '2', '4', '5', '6', '8'].includes(intervalString[0]) ? 1.5 : 0.67)
interval_candidates.push([interval, i, reference_number]);
const chosen_interval = interval_candidates.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])[0];
const previousY: Array<number> = [];
ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225';
for (let i = 0; i <= chosen_interval[1]; i++) {
const y = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] - (i * (chosen_interval[0] / second_graph_top) * graphSize[1]);
if (y < graphOrigin[1]) continue;
const even = ((i + 1) % 2) === 0;
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#2c2f33';
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0], y);
ctx.lineTo(graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0], y);
if (even) ctx.strokeStyle = '#202225';
previousY.push(y, i * chosen_interval[0]);
// 30m mark
ctx.setLineDash([8, 16]);
2023-01-22 13:14:38 -05:00
const lastMonthStart = graphOrigin[0] + (nodeWidth * (data.length - 30));
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1]);
ctx.lineTo(lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1]);
// draw points
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
function getYCoordinate(value: number) {
return ((1 - (value / second_graph_top)) * graphSize[1]) + graphOrigin[1];
function colorAtPlayercount(playercount: number) {
if (playercount === first_graph_top) {
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
return client.config.embedColorRed as string;
} else if (playercount > 9) {
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
return client.config.embedColorYellow as string;
} else {return client.config.embedColorGreen as string}
let lastCoords: Array<number> = [];
data.forEach((curPC: number /* current player count */, i: number) => {
if (curPC < 0) curPC = 0;
const x = i * nodeWidth + graphOrigin[0];
const y = getYCoordinate(curPC);
const nexPC /* next player count */ = data[i + 1];
const prvPC /* previous player count */ = data[i - 1];
const curColor = colorAtPlayercount(curPC); // color now
const prvColor = colorAtPlayercount(prvPC); // color at last point
if (curColor !== prvColor && !isNaN(prvPC) && lastCoords.length > 0) { // gradient should be used when the color between now and last point is not the same
// gradient from now to last point
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
const grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(lastCoords[0], lastCoords[1], x, y);
grd.addColorStop(0, colorAtPlayercount(prvPC)); // prev color at the beginning
grd.addColorStop(1, colorAtPlayercount(curPC)); // cur color at the end
// special case: playercount rises or falls rapidly accross all colors (eg. straight from red to green)
if (curColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow && prvColor !== client.config.embedColorYellow) {
const yellowY = getYCoordinate(10); // y coordinate at which line should be yellow
const stop = (yellowY - lastCoords[1]) / (y - lastCoords[1]); // between 0 and 1, where is yellowY between y and nextPointCoords[1] ?
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
grd.addColorStop(stop, client.config.embedColorYellow as string); // add a yellow stop to the gradient
ctx.strokeStyle = grd;
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC);
2023-02-13 02:37:23 -05:00
if (lastCoords.length > 0) ctx.moveTo(lastCoords[0], lastCoords[1]);
// if the line being drawn is horizontal, make it go until it has to go down
if (y === lastCoords[1]) {
let newX = x;
for (let j = i + 1; j <= data.length; j++) {
if (data[j] === curPC) newX += nodeWidth; else break;
ctx.lineTo(newX, y);
} else {
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
lastCoords = [x, y];
if (curPC === prvPC && curPC === nexPC) {
return; // no ball because no vertical difference to next or prev point
} else {
// ball
ctx.fillStyle = colorAtPlayercount(curPC);
ctx.arc(x, y, ctx.lineWidth * 1.3, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
// draw text
ctx.font = '400 ' + textSize + 'px sans-serif';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// highest value
const maxx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2;
const maxy = previousY[0] + (textSize / 3);
ctx.fillText(previousY[1].toLocaleString('en-US'), maxx, maxy);
// lowest value
const lowx = graphOrigin[0] + graphSize[0] + textSize / 2;
const lowy = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize / 3);
ctx.fillText('0 players', lowx, lowy);
// 30m
ctx.fillText('30 mins ago', lastMonthStart, graphOrigin[1] - (textSize / 2));
// time ->
const tx = graphOrigin[0] + (textSize / 2);
const ty = graphOrigin[1] + graphSize[1] + (textSize);
ctx.fillText('time ->', tx, ty);
const Image = new client.attachmentBuilder(img.toBuffer(),{name: 'FSStats.png'})
const FSserver1 = await MPdata(client, interaction, embed1)
if (!FSserver1?.data) return console.log('FSserver1 failed - players')
2022-11-19 05:17:04 -05:00
embed1.setTitle(FSserver1?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? 'Offline' : FSserver1?.data.server.name)
.setColor(FSserver1?.data.server.name.length == 0 ? client.config.embedColorRed : client.config.embedColor);
embed1.addFields({name: `${player.name} ${player.isAdmin ? '| admin' : ''}`, value: `Farming for ${(Math.floor(player.uptime/60))} hr, ${('0' + (player.uptime % 60)).slice(-2)} min`})
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed1], files: [Image]})
series: ()=>{
const embed3 = new client.embed().setColor(client.config.embedColor).setTitle('How to join the Daggerwin MP series')
'To join the Daggerwin MP series, you first need to:',
'**1:** Note that only PC players can join the MP series due to the mods that are used.',
'**2:** Become a YouTube Member by pressing the `Join` button on [Daggerwin\'s YouTube page](https://www.youtube.com/c/Daggerwin) next to the `Subscribe` button.',
'**3:** Link your YouTube account to your Discord account via Settings>Connections>Add connection. Be sure that you link the same YouTube account you used to become a channel member.',
'**4:** If you don\'t receive the role within a day or so, please message an Admin and they will sort it out.',
'**5:** Take a look in <#511657659364147200> to get information on how to join the server.'
interaction.reply({embeds: [embed3]})
} as any)[interaction.options.getSubcommand()]();
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Display MP status and other things')
.setDescription('Check server status and details'))
.setDescription('Check who\'s playing on the server'))
.setDescription('Provides you with server information such as filters and so on'))
2023-01-12 00:38:23 -05:00
.setDescription('View the URL for this server\'s FSMP server or update the URL')
.setDescription('Insert a \'dedicated-server-stats\' URL')))
/* .addSubcommand((opt)=>opt
2022-11-27 14:45:38 -05:00
.setDescription('Step-by-step on joining Daggerwin\'s MP series')) */
2023-01-22 13:14:38 -05:00