This repository has been archived on 2024-05-11. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

127 lines
3.4 KiB

package utils
import (
var (
TRUE = true
recordAddedColor = 0x57f287
recordRemovedColor = 0xed4245
uuidCacheFile = "uuidCache.log"
type SpreadsheetCells struct {
UUID string
IGN string
Reason string
func BanRecordsSheet() {
// Read the required values from config store
type jsonDataStruct struct {
GoogleSpreadsheetID string `json:"googleSpreadsheetId"`
BanRecords string `json:"banRecords"`
readData, _ := loaders.DataLoader.Read(&loaders.JSON{}, "config.json")
jsonData := jsonDataStruct{}
jsonDataBytes, _ := json.Marshal(readData)
json.Unmarshal(jsonDataBytes, &jsonData)
spreadsheetId := jsonData.GoogleSpreadsheetID
ServiceAccount, _ := os.ReadFile("GCP_SERVICE.json")
conf, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(ServiceAccount, spreadsheet.Scope)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error creating JWT config: %v", err)
client := conf.Client(context.TODO())
service := spreadsheet.NewServiceWithClient(client)
log.Infof("[BAN-RECORDS] Checking for new data...")
spreadsheet, err := service.FetchSpreadsheet(spreadsheetId)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching spreadsheet: %v", err)
rowData := spreadsheet.Sheets[0].Data.GridData[0].RowData
if len(rowData) < 2 {
fmt.Println("not enough data in spreadsheet")
cachedUUIDsData, err := os.ReadFile(uuidCacheFile)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error reading uuidCacheFile: %v", err)
cachedUUIDs := make(map[string]bool)
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(cachedUUIDsData), "\n") {
cachedUUIDs[line] = true
var discordEmbedSlice []discord.Embed
for _, row := range rowData {
if len(row.Values) < 3 {
uuid := row.Values[0].FormattedValue
ign := row.Values[1].FormattedValue
reason := row.Values[2].FormattedValue
if uuid == "UUID" && ign == "IGN" && reason == "Reason" {
if cachedUUIDs[uuid] && (ign == "" || reason == "") {
os.WriteFile(uuidCacheFile, []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(cachedUUIDsData), fmt.Sprintf("%v", uuid), "")), 0644)
if cachedUUIDs[uuid] {
discordEmbedData := discord.Embed{Color: recordAddedColor}
discordEmbedData.Title = "Ban record added"
discordEmbedData.Description = fmt.Sprintf("**UUID:**\n`%v`", uuid)
if ign != "" {
discordEmbedData.Description += fmt.Sprintf("\n**Player:**\n`%v`", ign)
} else {
if reason != "" {
discordEmbedData.Description += fmt.Sprintf("\n**Reason:**\n`%v`", reason)
discordEmbedSlice = append(discordEmbedSlice, discordEmbedData)
cachedUUIDs[uuid] = true
var sb strings.Builder
for uuid := range cachedUUIDs {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", uuid))
err = os.WriteFile(uuidCacheFile, []byte(sb.String()), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error writing uuidCacheFile: %v", err)
channel, _ := rest.Channels.GetChannel(rest.NewChannels(rest.NewClient(loaders.TokenLoader("bot"))), snowflake.MustParse(jsonData.BanRecords))
for _, discordEmbedData := range discordEmbedSlice {
rest.Channels.CreateMessage(rest.NewChannels(rest.NewClient(loaders.TokenLoader("bot"))), channel.ID(), discord.MessageCreate{Embeds: []discord.Embed{discordEmbedData}})